(Emphasis mine)
Last week our tiny fundamentalist church brought in almost sixty children during VBS. Three of those children were the children of two of the group leaders helping, one was dropped off by her mother, one was the pastor's grandson, and two were the grandchildren of another lady helping out. The rest all came via bus ministry. Our church is located in a very poor, semi-rural area and most of the children who attend on Sunday mornings and during VBS come from the trailer parks surrounding the church. If it were not for our church bus ministry, these kids and teens wouldn't be in church at all. If it weren't for door knocking, nobody would know who to contact to sign a consent form for the child to ride the church bus.
Furthermore, plenty of parents nearby are more than happy to let a local church "get their kids out of their hair" for a couple of hours once a week. Our bus children are fed breakfast, attend Sunday school, and then go into children's church after our congregational hymns and announcements.
This is a good thing and by doing this you are helping others. You are not a bigoted blogger posting libel about some pastor when you do not have all the facts.