A few months ago, I received an email.. one of those forwarded emails that we all HATE.. .but still forward to people we supposedly like... :tongue3:
Any way the gist of the email was that if people who have jobs are required to submit to random drug testing, shouldn't people who we support through Public Assistance.. (food stamps, check, etc) also be tested for drugs...
I thought it was a good idea... and contacted all my representatives... and NOT a one to this day has returned my email or call... (Can anyone say time for new representation!)
Anyway.. I have been thinking about this now for a week.. and am contemplating circulating a petition for this idea.
If I can get the majority of constituents to approve this.. our representatives would have to listen.. I would make so much noise they couldn't avoid it. :laugh:
But before I do this.. I want to bring the idea here...
I would like to hear both pros and cons to the idea.
I can think of some on both sides...
For instance...
A pro... If mom or dad test positive for illegal drugs, assistance would be stopped... This would make sure that the people that are getting assistance from those of us that are working to give it to them are not using the money for drugs...
On the other hand...
a con... If a mom or dad test positive for illegal drugs and assistance would be stopped.. it would hurt the kids who are innocent victims...
On the other hand... (yeah.. 3 hands)... if mom and dad are buying drugs with their welfare check.. the kids are not being helped anyway...
And on the last hand (LOL)... would this enable to allow CPS to move in and remove children from parents addicted to drugs....
OOOOps.. another hand... where would we put the children, since foster parents are rare... (at least here in WV)...
I would appreciate some comments before I decide what to do...
I don't like the idea that people are using my hard earned money for drugs while they are sitting up all night, drinking, partying, and sleeping all day...
But on the other hand.. I want to do what's best for the children.
So... (I can't believe I am asking this...
raying: ... Let me have it!!! ) :tonofbricks:
Any way the gist of the email was that if people who have jobs are required to submit to random drug testing, shouldn't people who we support through Public Assistance.. (food stamps, check, etc) also be tested for drugs...
I thought it was a good idea... and contacted all my representatives... and NOT a one to this day has returned my email or call... (Can anyone say time for new representation!)
Anyway.. I have been thinking about this now for a week.. and am contemplating circulating a petition for this idea.
If I can get the majority of constituents to approve this.. our representatives would have to listen.. I would make so much noise they couldn't avoid it. :laugh:
But before I do this.. I want to bring the idea here...
I would like to hear both pros and cons to the idea.
I can think of some on both sides...
For instance...
A pro... If mom or dad test positive for illegal drugs, assistance would be stopped... This would make sure that the people that are getting assistance from those of us that are working to give it to them are not using the money for drugs...
On the other hand...
a con... If a mom or dad test positive for illegal drugs and assistance would be stopped.. it would hurt the kids who are innocent victims...
On the other hand... (yeah.. 3 hands)... if mom and dad are buying drugs with their welfare check.. the kids are not being helped anyway...
And on the last hand (LOL)... would this enable to allow CPS to move in and remove children from parents addicted to drugs....
OOOOps.. another hand... where would we put the children, since foster parents are rare... (at least here in WV)...
I would appreciate some comments before I decide what to do...
I don't like the idea that people are using my hard earned money for drugs while they are sitting up all night, drinking, partying, and sleeping all day...
But on the other hand.. I want to do what's best for the children.
So... (I can't believe I am asking this...