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Earthquakes and Our Lord's Warnings

  • There is definitely some correlation between the Word and the quakes.

    Votes: 14 70.0%
  • The quakes are nothing to be concerned about.

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Earthquakes scare me.

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Earthquakes don't bother me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd rather be in a tornado than an earthquake.

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Jesus was not referring to the events going on around us now.

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
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I wanted to know how board members felt about all the earthquakes that have been happening, especially around the Pacific Rim of Fire?

Something that may interest you is that between March 7 - 11, Arkansas had four earthquakes alone! (See: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/ ) The magnitudes were between 2.6 and 3.4.

Are the earthquakes a sign of something more to come, and in accordance to Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, and Luke 21:11, the birth pangs of the beginning of the coming pestilence? :tonofbricks:

On the other hand, are these quakes just nature releasing its pressures? :sleeping_2:

Your comments and feedback will be appreciated. Please don't forget to take the poll. It has nothing to do with any books or research I'm doing. I'm simply interested in your observations and understanding of the Word of God and the increased number of earthquakes, even in places that are out of the norm!


Pastor Paul :type:


Active Member
RD2-------------I voted #1 on your list

Romans 8:18 and following deals with the "groanings" of the Earth---the groaning of creation as we hasten on hurredly toward Resurrection Day

The EQ's around Japan???? New Zealand??? And I believe there was one of sorts in the central parts of Arkansas here recently??? Romans 8:18 and following being made manifest in physical places


John Toppass

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Let me say that anyone who has been in the middle of an earthquake or a tornado probably feels like it is one of the most devastating thing that has ever happened to them, compared to someone who was just close to one.


New Member
I wanted to know how board members felt about all the earthquakes that have been happening, especially around the Pacific Rim of Fire?

Something that may interest you is that between March 7 - 11, Arkansas had four earthquakes alone! (See: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/ ) The magnitudes were between 2.6 and 3.4.

Are the earthquakes a sign of something more to come, and in accordance to Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, and Luke 21:11, the birth pangs of the beginning of the coming pestilence? :tonofbricks:

On the other hand, are these quakes just nature releasing its pressures? :sleeping_2:

Your comments and feedback will be appreciated. Please don't forget to take the poll. It has nothing to do with any books or research I'm doing. I'm simply interested in your observations and understanding of the Word of God and the increased number of earthquakes, even in places that are out of the norm!


Pastor Paul :type:
I don't believe they are anything to do with correlation to Scriptures. Just the way it works sometimes.


Active Member
We had a very minor earthquake here in Ct. about 6 or 7 years ago. It was early in the morning and woke me up. It made a couple of pictures fall.

I was in a 6.1 earthquake in California back in 1973, a friend and I were driving at the time, felt like we were on a very bumpy road, we were on Interstate 5. There was a building collapse about 40 miles from where we were.

Never directly experienced a tornado, but had one pass directly over my head once. Very awesome, touched down about 5 miles away but only caused minor damage.

I have been in several hurricanes, when I lived in Florida as a teen a hurricane came ashore around 2 AM in the morning only 15 miles from where I lived. We had winds around 110 MPH. Now, that was a scary night!

So for me, hurricanes have been my most intense experience.

I believe some natural disasters might be caused by God, but I believe most occur naturally in a cursed world. It is just part of the disorder and chaos sin brought upon creation.


There is one option that has not been considered.
It is possible that such catastrophes are not increasing at all, but only that our better technology is able to detect them. So it seems that there is an increase due to media reporting what technology is finding, that they could not find in previous years.


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It seems as if there has been an increase in earthquakes (and volcanos and other seismic activity) because of mass communications and the astronomical increase in population. IOW when an event does strike, more people are harmed or killed and we hear about it much more quickly. I think we can say that the particular prophecy spoken by Jesus has been fulfilled here-- there have been earthquakes and strange tides (if that means tidal waves). But it may still be 'to come' that a supervolcano makes the midday sun 'go away' (be hidden for a lengthy time by ashclouds) and the moon appear red (blood) whenever it is seen, not just around sunrise or sunset (when we see it through more layers of the atmosphere).

Nevertheless, we do have an understanding of the natural causes, and as ilndications are that there has been no supervolcano eruption for about 70,000 years, we know the probability increases with time. And with nearly 7 billion people in the world, a disastrous communicable disease we can't deal with immediately will also kill of millions very quickly, with so many people and rapid transportation. So, the world has not really changed in the physical sense, but when disasters do strike, more people and more places are affected. Is this part of prophecy? Not necessarily by itself. But it seems quite obvious the effect of calamities will continue to have greater effects.


Active Member
I have to go with Gill and side with the idea that the passages about earthquakes don't apply to our times but to the end of Jewish culture/religion as they knew it prior to Christ's coming.

However, I will also put forward my "dyslexic"* interpretation that "divers" means diverse and the intention is to draw attention to earthquakes in places where mankind didn't/doesn't expect them. Thus these passages still wouldn't apply to recent earthquakes because mankind has the technology to expect earthquakes in the areas where they have been occuring. When earthquakes occur in places that are not considered "geologically active" then there is something to worry about.

*dyslexic because for years I read the word "divers" as diverse without even realizing the difference in spelling.

John of Japan

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There is really no correlation between tornados and earthquakes. A tornado is a localized event, causing incredible destruction in a path.

I've been in many earthquakes, from a little "Hey the light switch string is moving" to the current 9.0 in Japan. The little ones happen all the time and cause no damage. The large ones are extremely scary and can kill thousands as this one has.

As for the Scripture correlation, I had a scared Japanese man from some other church call me yesterday. Someone had told him the book of Revelation was starting to be fulfilled, and some silly thing about Chernobyl in Rev. 2. I told him I believe this one and the others nowadays fit in Matt. 24:7, not to fear the end of the world has come.


Well-Known Member
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I've been in many earthquakes, from a little "Hey the light switch string is moving" to the current 9.0 in Japan. The little ones happen all the time and cause no damage. The large ones are extremely scary and can kill thousands as this one has.


I'm happy to see that you are safe, and sending out cyber mail. I know there was terrible destruction in Japan, and all I can do is offer prayers, so, please be safe, and know that I am one of many praying not only for you, but for everyone in Japan.

God bless,

Pastor Paul :type:

John of Japan

Well-Known Member
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I'm happy to see that you are safe, and sending out cyber mail. I know there was terrible destruction in Japan, and all I can do is offer prayers, so, please be safe, and know that I am one of many praying not only for you, but for everyone in Japan.

God bless,

Pastor Paul :type:
Thanks much, Pastor Paul.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm blogging on the disaster over in Missions/Evangelism.


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Did significant earthquakes happen near the time of the end in the first century? Absolutely. Then there is the book of Acts that records "a great earthquake that shook the foundations of the prison house" (Acts 16:26).

Earthquakes occurred in Caligula's (A.D. 37-41) and Claudius' (A.D. 41-54) reigns. The earthquake at the latter place was so destructive, that the emperor, in order to relieve the distresses of the inhabitants, remitted its tribute for five years. Both these earthquakes are recorded by Tacitus. There was one also, in the same reign in Crete. This is mentioned by Philostratus, in his Life of Apollonius, who says, that 'there were others at Smyrna, Miletus, Chios, and Samos ; in all which places Jews had settled.' In the reign of Nero there was an earthquake at Laodicea. Tacitus records this also. It is likewise mentioned by Eusebius and Orosius, who add that Hieropolis and Colose, as well as Laodicea, were overthrown by an earthquake. There was also one in Campania in this reign (of this both Tacitus and Seneca speak ;) and another at Rome in the reign of Galba, recorded by Suetonius.

Josephus reports many earthquakes in A.D. 68 in the midst of the Jewish War. He describes one particularly terrifying quake and lightning storm, remarking,"anyone would guess that these wonders foreshadowed some grand calamities that were coming" (Wars 4.4.5). Josephus accounts that an earthquake in Judea was such a magnitude that "the constitution of the universe was confounded for the destruction of men."

In the writings of the first century historian Tacitus we read a de scri ption of the conditions in A.D. 51 in Rome: "This year witnessed many prodigies signs or omens... including repeated earthquakes." Tacitus also reports them throughout Rome, also interpreting them as portents of impending divine judgment (Histories, 1.2-3) Year 60: earthquake particularly Laodicea says Tacitus. 63-Year: In Campania, the earthquake that destroyed most of Pompey, according to Tacitus.

There were earthquakes in Crete, Smyrna, Miletus, Chios, Samos, Laodicea, Hierapolis, Colosse, Campania, Rome, and Judea. Paul started churches at Colosse and Hierapolis. However, these two cities, along with Laodicea, suffered a great earthquake in approximately A.D. 61. Laodicea was rebuilt soon after the earthquake, but Colosse and Hierapolis were not.

The earthquake at the latter place was so destructive, that the emperor, in order to relieve the distresses of the inhabitants, remitted its tribute for five years. Both these earthquakes are recorded by Tacitus. There was one also, in the same reign in Crete. This is mentioned by Philostratus, in his Life of Apollonius, who says, that 'there were others at Smyrna, Miletus, Chios, and Samos ; in all which places Jews had settled.' In the reign of Nero there was an earthquake at Laodicea. Tacitus records this also. It is likewise mentioned by Eusebius and Orosius, who add that Hieropolis and Colose, as well as Laodicea, were overthrown by an earthquake. There was also one in Campania in this reign (of this both Tacitus and Seneca speak ;) and another at Rome in the reign of Galba, recorded by Suetonius ; to all which may be added those which happened on that dreadful night. When the Idumeans were excluded from Jerusalem, a short time before the siege commenced. "A heavy storm (says Josephus) burst on them during the night violent winds arose, accompanied with the most excessive rains, with constant lightnings, most tremendous thunderings, and with dreadful roarings of earthquakes. It seemed (continues he) as if the system of the world had been confounded for the destruction of mankind ; and one might well conjecture that these were signs of no common events." This sign occurred in Jesus' contemporary generation!
