One thing I really like about the Way of the Master Tracts is that they convict the conscience and do so in a loving manor. Sadly most tracts these days outside of Living Waters fail to do this. Many are "easy-believism" oriented and want to get one to say a prayer without fully realizing what sin really is. Most from Good News Publishers, The Bridge Tracts, Pocket Testament League, and others are written this way. Or another error that tract ministries make is that they use guilt with a turn or burn style to get one to say a prayer. Some from Fundamentalist type tract ministries are written this way, and ones from Chic Tracts and Fellowship Tract League are prime examples. The problem with this style is that the sinner will read the tract and say a prayer and think he is saved, yet is probably a false convert because he has not repented of his sin and does not intend too. The sinner will boast about his prayer he said and not have a changed or transformed life as a result of the prayer. This person is a false convert! A certain book by Paul Washer I plan to buy when the time is right.
The Gospel Call and True Conversion
This does not mean that God cannot use tracts from these ministries, but in general God prefers using the Law to convict the conscience so that one will not become a false convert. Ray Comfort, John MacArthur, Paul Washer, and such are the best at preaching a gospel that uses the LAW to bring about conviction. This is not to say that others do not have their place. David Jeremiah for example in his latest book as a chapter on the 10 commandments and uses it to bring about conviction to the sinner. No he may not hit on sin as hard as others, but God still has used this book.
I generally like and prefer Reformed evangelists, however one weakness is that they may not hit on grace as much as they can, and for that books by David Jeremiah, Erwin Lutzer and other non Reformed types would be good. Remember that Jesus also preached grace and we are in that dispensation. I think a good balance would be to read books by Washer, Comfort, MacArthur, and Jeremiah, Lutzer, Stanley, and such.
The Gospel Call and True Conversion
This does not mean that God cannot use tracts from these ministries, but in general God prefers using the Law to convict the conscience so that one will not become a false convert. Ray Comfort, John MacArthur, Paul Washer, and such are the best at preaching a gospel that uses the LAW to bring about conviction. This is not to say that others do not have their place. David Jeremiah for example in his latest book as a chapter on the 10 commandments and uses it to bring about conviction to the sinner. No he may not hit on sin as hard as others, but God still has used this book.
I generally like and prefer Reformed evangelists, however one weakness is that they may not hit on grace as much as they can, and for that books by David Jeremiah, Erwin Lutzer and other non Reformed types would be good. Remember that Jesus also preached grace and we are in that dispensation. I think a good balance would be to read books by Washer, Comfort, MacArthur, and Jeremiah, Lutzer, Stanley, and such.
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