There are some of us who like to honestly discuss Scripture. If I tell you that Jesus’ statement that one must be born of water and the Spirit is one birth, and you disagree with me, then it is my responsibility to furnish the reasoning behind my statement with Scripture to back it up. My saying “read John 3:1-10 – that’s my proof” is not really saying anything. John operates like this in his posts. He will say something, and when someone calls him out on it, shows him Scripture, he will get mad and start another thread. This is not, IMHO, the purpose of this board (and people who do this should be banned). It is not, IMHO, immature to call on him to defend his statements…in fact, it is the responsible thing to do.
Look at the threads that John has started, made some outlandish statement that he claimed was biblical, got mad and refused to back up his claim, and abandoned it to start another (or more than one). Some may ignorantly see those who confront him on his behavior as "attacking" him, but most have been here long enough to see that what I am saying is true. I know that most involved get aggravated to the point that they insult (which is wrong), but that doesn't excuse his behavior.