Last week Donald Trump said he would welcome the GOP field narrowing to just Ted Cruz and himself. Trump said, "it would be easy to beat Ted".
Once again, Trump is full of it. (Note: Any time Trump opens his mouth he is making stuff up.)
If Trump was running against Ted Cruz, he would lose. In fact, if Trump was running against Marco Rubio, he would lose.
Also, as more and more GOP candidates drop out, Trump loses support, remaining candidates gain support:
So, when other candidates drop out of the race, where do Cruz and Rubio gain the most new supporters? Answer: women. Also, Rubio stands to gain from very conservative voters and Cruz from somewhat conservative voters. (that last sentence is not a typo.)
Trump does gain some new voters, but nowhere near as many as either Cruz or Rubio. So what segment of the voting demographic does Trump gain the fewest new voters? That is, what group does he already have sewn up? Answer: men between the ages of 18-49 without college degrees that earn less than $50K per year.
Once again, Trump is full of it. (Note: Any time Trump opens his mouth he is making stuff up.)
If Trump was running against Ted Cruz, he would lose. In fact, if Trump was running against Marco Rubio, he would lose.
Also, as more and more GOP candidates drop out, Trump loses support, remaining candidates gain support:
So, when other candidates drop out of the race, where do Cruz and Rubio gain the most new supporters? Answer: women. Also, Rubio stands to gain from very conservative voters and Cruz from somewhat conservative voters. (that last sentence is not a typo.)
Trump does gain some new voters, but nowhere near as many as either Cruz or Rubio. So what segment of the voting demographic does Trump gain the fewest new voters? That is, what group does he already have sewn up? Answer: men between the ages of 18-49 without college degrees that earn less than $50K per year.