You know what bothers me is that is surely a problem but you can't tell me with these men who have billions of dollars can't solve it... Its on their doorstep and there is no solution

... What if their business was threatened?... They are just going to lay down and do nothing?... Their cutting off their nose despite their face... Close the stores?... The looters have already won... Business answers to us, we don't answer to big business... The looters are costing people their jobs, do they care?... Now who are they really hurting?... Looks to me like the ones who have the billions, don't care about their employees that go week to week... The billions are taking the easy way out by taking away the bottom line, it might dent them a little, but if you have billions why should you care?... Brother Glen
After thinking about this further... I have a solution!... Put fully trained armed security at every store after hours... Not only do you give other people jobs, you protect those, that will not lose theirs, if the stores close.