As best as I can tell from his posts, he was a Trumpie well before there were only two realistic options . His reasons for being so seemed to be based on promises of a border wall that would have been more believable had they been made by a lawyer moonlighting as a used car salesman whose hobby was selling used watches on street corners.
The willingness of Trump's supporters to believe anything the guy says is just a repeat of 2008 under a different Party's name.
And so, what are America's options? Someone we pretty much know because of her past supports abortion, liberalism, the "Homosexual Agenda", a stripping away of our Constitutional Rights, etc---- or Trump who supports the Constitution & repeal of Obama care & Legal Abortions?
Like some others here, I will confess to my suspicions of "the Donald" as a egotistical Knucklehead, but he is saying what most people want to hear.
If we Americans give Trump 4 year to prove his claims, I say we should do it. If he proves himself to be a loudmouth BS artist,
then he is out after one term (impeached if necessary)......then he will have disgraced himself, his family & his business reputation. But if Trump makes good on only 2 or 3 campaign promises, then it will have been worth it.
Right now, Christians are facing a hard fought extinction brought about by our own luke warm lifestyles & concessions to the world. We MUST stop that!!!!!