Just as the North had no good reason to attack the South, the Government (Lincoln’s Government) had to “create” a good enough reason, or make the reason “personal,” to push the Union Army into fighting its brother and that was “slavery”.
Thinkingstuff has already, hypothetically that is, “created” a good enough reason for the US Military to fight its own brother…
”For another the US military may feel that these people who rebel against the financial system imposed by the multi-nation committees will cause further problems by their activity threatening stability.”
Here in this scenario, the US Government will create the false assumption that the US financial systems stability relies upon the financial system imposed by the multi-nation committees. With this scenario the US Government has created a reason and has made it “personal” that will get them to fight its brother.
The Civil War was about States Rights, the Constitution, freedom and independence from the new Government of the North.
Those that would oppose this hypothetical scenario will oppose this “multi-nation committee” for the same reasons. And if it goes against the intrest of US Government, it will cause blood shed.
Hopefully, this will stay in the “hypothetical” column and the US Government would never allow a “multi-nation committee” to run our financial system.