Won't say much except to say...that's good Quest....a good "take" on
things. It is good to be "fundamental" in our Bible doctrine and practice!
Bro. Greg:thumbsup:
Yea, but Greg, the thing that you actually tend to think makes you a fundamentalist is not JUST that you believe the Bible is inspired of God, infallible and inerrant and that Jesus was born of a virgin, died for sin and rose the third day and is coming in power and glory.
Almost every Southern Baptist (and there are about 16 MILLION of us) believes all of those things. So do most Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, etc...
No, you call yourself a fundamentalist to DISTINGUISH yourself and your kind from us and the general evangelical community.
Being a fundamentalist means doing missions a certain way in your mind (LOCAL CHURCH!!!!)
Being a fundamentalist means having some dress standards (no two piece bathing suits in public!!!!!!).
It means being against alcohol (by the barrel and by the THIMBLE FULL!!!!)
You think it makes you a little better fundamentalist in that you believe this ridiculous KJVO nonsense (though you probably allow for guys like John R. Rice to be fundamentalists who were opposed to that nonsense).
I am a real fundamentalist in that I adhere to the fundamentals of the faith.
But since the days of J. Frank Norris, guys like him have tried, and succeeded, in high jacking the term.
So now most evangelicals who don't want to be thought of as hayseed, backwater legalists choose to shun the term.