Here is my bet.......You have never read one word from Pelagius himself...You posses, in your library, not one word, nor book, nor commentary that Pelagius himself actually wrote. You have never read one whit what Pelagius said in his own words, and from his own mouth.....Until you can demonstrate thus, you are an accuser of the brethren, as Calvinists generally are.
I have an astounding library, thank you very much. I have words, etc. that Pelagius wrote. As I'm sure you're aware, the majority of Pelagius' work is only found today in the quotations of his opponents. There are some things that survive, but they are few and far between. His works are not, therefore, as accessible as you'd like to think or portray. But, being as you have made the accusation, here is Pelagius own words:
-Adam’s sin was injurious to none but himself, and not to the human race, [1]
-infants at their birth are in the same state in which Adam was before the transgression [2]
In all of my reading--from the Nicene and Post-Nicene fathers to every work of church history I have read (and they are legion)--I have never read any statement or intimation that refutes Pelagius' denial of what is understood as "original sin."
Pelagius and his writings and his "theology" are a simple fact of history. The fragments we have--and it is sad, in fact, that we don't have more--speak for themselves and confirm the accusations of his opponents.
We refuse to be slaves to your nomenclature....You are not (as Calvinists) gods...and we no more allow you to define words as you see fit "willy-nilly".... I know without a doubt one thing...You have used the word "Pelagian" hundreds of times....and you posses no literature, none whatsoever, that was written by him, nor have you read it. Cat's out of the bag....Pelagius's writings have been recently discovered and actually translated into English...I have no doubt that neither R.C. Sproul, nor James White, nor John MacArthur, nor You have EVER read one sentence he personally wrote. You are utterly ignorant about what Pelagius believed or taught, as you have never, not even once in your life read one WORD of his actual writings from him himself. Unfortunately....Actual knowledge is available...and we non-calvinists are starting to learn where to get it. Thus we are no longer that ignorant and vaccuous slaves to the meaning of "Pelagian" that you have fallaciously decided to give to it. We can read now. We have the man's works in our own tounge...You Calvinists need to begin to work upon a different line of attack, because it will not be long, ere, WE (non-Cals) are the ONLY ones who actually KNOW ANYTHING about what "Pelagius" thought. And we will, and are, no longer the slaves to your personal interpretations that you demand you be, as you seek to keep all the world in darkness and ignorance.
I think you, likely, misread what I wrote and then launched into this bitter excessive without any real knowledge or understanding. In other words, you're merely shadow boxing here. As I've said, I have read, at least, one word that Pelagius wrote.
Now, let me're going to say Augustine was engaged in some large and deliberate conspiracy to discredit Pelagius and that none of his writings are suspect at best. Give me a break.
The fact remains that the denial of "Original Sin" is, in fact, a heresy of the first order. No orthodox Christian denies this. Certainly some so-called Christians do deny Original Sin (and I'm not only mentioning the Calvinist's understanding). Those that do are simply unorthodox and heretical.
Things you say you know:
"You have used the word "Pelagian" hundreds of times." Really?! Well then, cite them all (oh can't).
"You posses no literature, none whatsoever, that was written by him, nor have you read it." Flatly wrong, as demonstrated.
You have no idea what Pelagius believed, and it is basically historically provable that your Master, Calvin had never read one word from Pelagius, as his ACTUAL writings were undiscovered in Almighty Calvin's time. Throw around that term all you want, it is meaningless. We are not your slaves "Archangel"....and will never be. Who cares whether you call Winman a "heretic" or NOT??? It's meaningless to us. You don't even KNOW what a "Pelagian" who cares what YOU think a "HERETIC" is....your words are now vaccuous and devoid of meaning.
Play with people "heretics"...Call them "Pelagians" know the meaning of neither word.
John Gill is ignorant of Pelagius's writings
Calvin was ignorant of Pelagius's writings
R.C. Sproul is ignorant of Pelagius's writings
James White is ignorant of Pelagius's writings
Archangel is ignorant of Pelagius's writings
Spurgeon is ignorant of Pelagius's writings
Are we then to assume you are the only one who is not ignorant of Pelagius' writings? Calvin, for one, was not ignorant. He confronts Pelagian thought on more than a few occasions in his
What is clear from your post, on the other hand, is that you have no clue and no basis for what you have written. You obviously don't know me, which you would actually need to do in order to make the attacks you have made here.
What is more, you accuse me of having Calvin be my "Master." Now be careful here, friend. I am not a "Calvinist" because of John Calvin. I am a Calvinist because I have read the scriptures--in the original languages I might add--and I have seen the "Calvinist" soteriology plain as day. But, to accuse me of having Calvin be my master is to say that I worship him rather than Christ--
and that I will not have.
By the way, I've never read Calvin. He is in my library, but I'd rather read and study scripture.
Also, your bitter rant and personal tone against me--which demonstrates an inability or unwillingness to "discuss" matters--only demonstrates your lack of intellect and lack of character. It is plainly obvious here that you have broken the scriptural entreaty to "treat others the way you wish to be treated" and for that you must seek forgiveness.
The Archangel
[1] Augustine of Hippo, "A Treatise on the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin", trans. Peter Holmes In , in A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, First Series, Volume V: Saint Augustin: Anti-Pelagian Writings, ed. Philip Schaff (New York: Christian Literature Company, 1887), 242-43.
[2] Ibid., 243.