I know you haven't......I challenged Winman to provide the easily accesible links you demanded he provide you earlier in post: You were betting your Theological ranch that he couldn't provide them. As you stated here:
....and it was a good gamble...but I COULD, and I supplied them... as I referenced Here...Yet again:
I am submitting to you, for the 452nd time...that you DON'T know the meaning of the word "Pelagian", and you don't KNOW, in any real sense whether you are one or aren't....I only know one thing...NOTHING you have affirmed or denied on this thread is in opposition to "Pelagian" Theology...You haven't bothered to read his words....and that isn't anyone's fault but your have YET to either affirm or deny anything that Pelagius himself would disagree with...and you have been provided ample links to study that for refuse to acknowledge that they even most Calvinists usually do.
Where the word Pelagian is spoken, its like someone who has stepped in "dog doodie" and begins shaking their foot and yelling, "get it off me, get it off me"......when it fact they actually had mud on their shoe, and not "doodie". IOW, they fear what they don't know.