That's not how we do NT studies in the academic world. The actual incident in the life of Christ is technically called a pericope (per-ih-koh-peh), and it may be recorded in up to all four of the Gospels. The places where the pericope is recorded are different passages in each Gospel. You yourself tried to make the two passages of the pericope into one passage, and that's confusing.
Also, in this case we are dealing with the synoptic Gospels. Each of the synoptics has a different viewpoint (taught in freshman NT Survey if you've been to Bible college), and those viewpoints are important in exegesis. So, we just don't study and discuss the NT the way you are trying to.
I was 3rd board on our champion chess team in HS my own self.

But chess is not where you learn logic, at least not formally. Find an online course on formal logic. Or, there's a great little book on it,
Logic, by theologian Gordon H. Clark.
Yeah, then you tried to make Peter's unclean food (following OT revelation) somehow equal to calling the Holy Spirit an unclean spirit. Sorry, I don't buy that.