None of the links crabby supplied supports his claim
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None of the links crabby supplied supports his claim
The EPA projects annual compliance costs of $7.3 billion to $8.8 billion by 2030, but since the proposal is expected to reduce air pollution, it says annual public health benefits will total $55 billion to $93 billion by avoiding up to 100,000 asthma attacks and 2,100 heart attacks each year.
He spoke on the 100,000 asthma attacks and 2,100 heart attacks caused by pollution,
Read more:
“In just the first year that these standards go into effect, up to 100,000 asthma attacks and 2,100 heart attacks will be avoided — and those numbers will go up from there.”
The administration says its proposal will save more than $90 billion in climate and health benefits and will avoid up to 100,000 asthma attacks and 2,100 heart attacks annually.
Maybe you did not read the articles. Each one says that 100,000 asthma attacks would not occur and heart attacks would be reduced by 2100. Rather dishonest of you, but...........................
There is nothing in those links to support those claims. They make the claims but the news sources are not experts on health nor are have they provided and medical and peer reviewed sources. Liberals have plenty of experience in making all sorts of claims but there is nothing in these articles to substantiate such outrageous claims.
None of the links crabby supplied supports his claim
Not a single scientific report is cited. In fact, those numbers are not sourced, at all. Epic fail.
Not a single scientific report is cited. In fact, those numbers are not sourced, at all. Epic fail.
EPA issues new coal-fired power plant regulations capping carbon emission reductions
Air pollution plays a well-documented role in asthma attacks, however, the role air pollution plays in initiating asthma is still under investigation and may involve a very complex set of interactions between indoor and outdoor environmental conditions and genetic susceptibility. The Research Division of the Air Resources Board has been a leader in developing and supporting research to understand the relationship between air pollution and asthma. Most notably, the ARB-funded Children's Health Study at the University of Southern California found that children who participated in several sports and lived in communities with high ozone levels were more likely to develop asthma than the same active children living in areas with less ozone pollution. In another ARB-funded study, researchers at the University of California, Irvine found a positive association between some volatile organic compounds and symptoms in asthmatic children from Huntington Park. Additional ARB studies are underway and many will focus on the role of particulate matter pollution on asthma. In the Central Valley the ARB F.A.C.E.S. project is examining the role of particulate matter pollution in the exacerbation of childhood asthma.
Absolutely. That's why unions were formed and regulations put in place. We now have strict rules about mining. But we should recognize the politicians are doing the same thing as the coal barons of yesteryear. They don't care a bit for the earth or the people. . .it's all about money and control.The coal industry has exploited the people and raped the land.
Exactly. Read the articles:
"The President said..."
"The EPA said...."
"The administration said..."
These sources are rather lacking in objectivity.
It is well documented that as air pollution rises the incidence of asthma rises. It only stands to reason that with a reduction of air pollution that asthma attacks would also be reduced.
Seriously??!!There is no "anthropogenic" climate change.
The atmosphere is .0039% carbon dioxide. Look carefully at that number. Let it burn into your mind. Realize how little a percentage of the atmosphere that actually is.
Global warming alarmists love to talk about carbon dioxide in terms of the billions of tons of volume weight of it there is in the atmosphere, but the fact remains, it is just less than four thousandths of one percent of the atmosphere's total makeup. But the remarkable thing is, 96.4% of it is put into the atmosphere by plants: trees, shrubs, bushes, flowers, etc., in the natural process of photosynthesis. Another one percent of that occurs from volcanic eruptions and forest fires. That leaves "anthropogenic contribution" of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere at just over one-ten-thousandth of one percent of the carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere.
Remarkably, this minute part of the atmospheric makeup is responsible for 83% of the heat absorption that warms the Earth, and I mean that literally. If not for the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, our mean temperature globally would be about -18 degrees Celcius. As it is, our mean temperature is 15 degrees Celcius. On the Fahrenheit scale, that's 0 and 59. So in a very real sense "global warming" is a very, very good thing. We can't live without it.
Scientists say the Earth has warmed about half a degree in 100 years. That's an average, though over the last 20 years, the average temperature has actually declined. The Earth stopped warming in the mid 1990s. Yet they continue to yammer on about "anthropogenic global warming." You can call it climate change if you want. I'll call it "warming" because that's what they claim is happening.
I want you and them to explain to me how the massive volumes of carbon dioxide we pour into the atmosphere every year can, over the last 100 years, continue to represent less than one-ten-thousandth of one percent of the total carbon dioxide volume and manage to raise the temp only a half-degree, and represent "global warming." Don't attempt to blame it on other so-called "greenhouse gases" such as methane and the like, because those are just bold-faced lies. There is so little of those other gases present in the atmosphere that if you stacked man's contribution of carbon dioxide next to them, the comparison would be Denali vs. Bunker Hill. Or smaller.
They do absorb heat at a far greater rate than carbon dioxide, but they are such an infinitesimal amount of total atmospheric volume as to be inconsequential. You can probably find charts and graphs that would appear to show otherwise, but trust me, those charts and graphs are inventions of a political agenda and in no way, shape or form represent actual scientific fact.
So, I'll await your explanation. With bated breath. Not.
So are you admitting the figures are made up, and unverifiable ?
So, you're a 'Denier', then? Duly noted.
Not at all. The chart shows what everyone knows, except for those who refuse to see, that when pollution goes up the incidence of asthma attacks go up and when pollution is reduced the number of attacks goes down. So, it is only rational to realize that if pollution is reduced further that the incidence of asthma attacks will also go down. Additionally the increase in traffic also has increased the incidence of asthma attacks. Well know fact. Do a little research and you will find this information on your own. Maybe you will believe if you do your own research.
Vitamin C as a comparison to CO2 emissions? Seriously? :tonofbricks:Let's start with your logical fallacy which underpins your post of 'infinitesimal'=' inconsequential'. Not so. Take the example of Vitamin C - we only need about 85-90mg of it per day in our diet, which is an 'infinitesimal' amount of our daily food intake but only a fool would regard it as 'inconsequential'! So, let's put that fallacy to bed.
Yeah, accuse me of being medieval in my concept of science, physics and mathematics. That'll win me over to your side in a heartbeat.As far as research articles go, you might want to start with these: --- [3 URL links] --- You'll have to do the rest of your own homework as I have to go to work but I suggest you quit with the Flat Earth quackery and cod-science as it does your credibility no good.