Estimated Dates of the Events of the 1 Year Great Tribulation of the Earth
I would like to publish the estimated dates of the events of the 1 year great tribulation.
These dates and times are based in Jerusalem, which is where prophetic time is measured from. To convert these dates and times, add or subtract based on the timezone you are in. For Medellín, Colombia, which is GMT-5 timezone, subtract 8 hours. For Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which is EDT timezone, subtract 7 hours if it is daylight savings time, or 8 hours if it is not daylight savings time.
All these dates are estimated, because Nisan 1 in 2026 AD falls under March 19th, and the equinox in Jerusalem is known to be around March 20th, so there may be a 1 month shift of all the dates of the events below to around 1 month later, although this is not likely.
Two Witnesses Begin to Prophesy
Note: 1,260 days prior to their death after the sixth trumpet blast in the morning in Jerusalem time of September 17, 2026 or 6 Tishri 5787 AM. They will begin prophesying in the morning of 15 Nisan, which is on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread in 15 Nisan after the Passover in Nisan 14.
Day of the Week: Thursday
Roman and Jewish Calendar: April 6, 2023 AD = 15 Nisan 5783 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 5996 YB
Federalization of Europe into United States of Europe
Note: 10 nations will give their authority to the United States of Europe, which happens 15 literal days prior to when they destroy Vatican City out of hatred for her, which is 1 prophetic hour of how long the 10 nations rule with the USE, which is written, "the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not been given a kingdom yet, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast" and "you great city, you mighty city, Babylon, for in a single hour your judgment has come" and "for in a single hour all this wealth has been laid waste". Also the beginning of the "one" prophetic day, which is 1 literal year of 360 literal days, which says, "her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire, for mighty is the Master God who has judged her".
Day of the Week: Sunday
Roman and Jewish Calendar: March 1, 2026 AD = 12 Adar 5786 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 5999 YB
Destruction of Vatican City and Global Collapse of Paper Money and Fiat Currency
Note: The end of the 1 prophetic hour of how long the 10 nations rule with the USE. 180 literal days prior to the appointed time of the trumpet blasts, which is 6 full 30 day months prior before the appointed time of the trumpet blasts in the 1st day of the 7th month of Tishri. Paper money and fiat currency will also collapse globally because all the central banks of the world trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, which is why she is the prostitute of Babylon at the top of the hierarchy ruling over all the kings of the earth through central banks, and her destruction will subsequently cause the financial system to collapse, which is why the merchants of the earth will wail for her destruction, "for no one buys their merchandise" anymore, for paper money and fiat currency will either become worthless globally or enter into hyperinflation. And this is where the "famine" portion of the 1 prophet day begins, a global famine. This is also why the destruction of Vatican City is also the end of the rule of the 10 nations with the USE, because it will all collapse like a house of cards.
Day of the Week: Monday
Roman and Jewish Calendar: March 16, 2026 AD = 27 Adar 5786 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 5999 YB
Appointed Time of the Second Coming of the Messiah
Note: 7.5 literal days prior to the appointed time of the trumpet blasts, which is 1/2 prophetic hour before the appointed time of trumpets, which would therefore be in the morning in Jerusalem time of the 21st day of Elul. Elul 21 and not Elul 22 because Elul only has 29 days.
Day of the Week: Thursday
Roman and Jewish Calendar: September 3, 2026 AD = 21 Elul 5786 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 5999 YB
Appointed Time of Trumpet Blasts
Note: On the 1st day of the 7th month. The dark phase of the moon is calculated to be on September 10, and then, on September 12 will be the crescent moon, which is the "new moon" of the Torah. This is also the reference point for the times of all the surrounding events before and after, for the trumpet blasts must happen on a specific day in accordance to the Torah.
Day of the Week: Saturday
Torah Ancient 360 Day Calendar with 30 Day Lunations: New Moon 7 Day 1 5999 YB
Roman and Jewish Calendar: September 12, 2026 AD = 1 Tishri 5787 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 5999 YB
5th Trumpet Blast
Note: On the 5th day of the 7th month, which is when angels are released to prevent men from killing themselves, in order to force them to endure the plagues that happen beginning in Tishri 15.
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Roman and Jewish Calendar: September 16, 2026 AD = 5 Tishi 5787 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 5999 YB
Death of the Two Witnesses
Note: Happens in between the 6th trumpet blast and the 7th trumpet blast, so they will die in the morning after the 6th trumpet blast is blasted in the evening, which is the beginning the 6th day of the 7th month, for the days in the Torah begin in the evening.
Day of the Week: Thursday
Roman and Jewish Calendar: September 17, 2026 AD = 6 Tishri 5787 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 5999 YB
Gathering of the People of God
Note: 10 days after Tishri 1, which is the Day of Atonement in Tishri 10, which is the day the great shofar is blasted in accordance to the beginning of the Yovel year, which is when the people of God are gathered, hence "and you Israel, will be gathered one by one, and on that day the great shofar will be blasted". This is also the beginning of the year 6000 YB. The two witnesses will also be resurrected on this day, which is why they are resurrected 3 and 1/2 days later.
Roman and Jewish Calendar: September 21, 2026 AD = 10 Tishi 5787 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 6000 YB
Beginning of the 7 Plagues of Revelation
Note: These plagues happen for 7 days. Beginning of the 5 months of the sting of the angels released under the 5 trumpet blast, which will commence at the first plague, which are boils, that will cause agony that will cause men to gnaw their tongues.
Day of the Week: Saturday
Roman and Jewish Calendar: September 26, 2026 AD = 15 Tishri 5787 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 6000 YB
Last Man to be Judged and Destroyed in the Lake of Lava Among the Nations
Note: 5 full 30 day months after the first bowl of wrath is poured, which will thus be the completion of the "one" prophetic day, which is 1 literal year of 360 total days, from the time the United States of Europe is formed until the last man is thrown into the lake of lava from the nations, and so will be fulfilled the words "her plagues will come in a single day, death and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire, for mighty is the Master God who has judged her". Adar 16 and not Adar 15 because Tevet only has 29 days. Everyone found in possession of paper money and fiat currency will be thrown into the lake of lava, which is the true mark of the beast, paper money and fiat currency, which breaks the command of the Torah, "you shall have righteous balances and weights", which paper money and fiat currency is not. This is one reason why the world be reduced to very people, because most people already have the mark of the beast, through ignorance.
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Roman and Jewish Calendar: February 23, 2027 AD = 16 Adar I 5787 AM
Year Since The Beginning: 6000 YB