(I just love how responses start with a pejorative, condescending nature from these self-proclaimed experts, telling others they can't <implied> comprehend) Quite an unChristian attitude.
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about, nor do you see your compromise.

Does that work?
You're right, I'm not following your train of thought, nor any other mans train of thought.
What's this "we" are not changing, are you on the committee?
Re-read what I stated and get a grip. No one needs to soften what God said due to culture, including you.
Clearly you're in error. Yes, you're arguing for a Bible that best fits the culture, and to do so, changes Gods Word, as not to offend. I'm certain God is giving you all a thumbsup for stepping in and making sure you soften His true Words, whew, a close one!!!!!
Is that what God wants us to do, change His Word in a way, so it "best fits" the culture? Not at all. Pragmatism at its apex.