Just need to clarify the rules for discourse.
If one am having trouble communicating with a post or member, our Christian brothers should not be called @#$%&&%$##@ even if they are ##$$%^@#$%,Christian Brothers Just use titles like Calvinist etc.
Can calling one crude anatomical names be allowed, after all it is evident to all ifour dear Chruistian Brother is a just a elbow. Can they be called an elbow
Maybe we should add designations to our denominations listed in our info page, Baptist- Stubborn, but ignorant.
This would inform everyone what type of poster we are dealing with, It could even be a temporary designation, Baptist-Short tempered today only, regular Baptist when I get feeling better, You know it gives others a opportunity to understand and how to answer
just asking for a little direction
If one am having trouble communicating with a post or member, our Christian brothers should not be called @#$%&&%$##@ even if they are ##$$%^@#$%,Christian Brothers Just use titles like Calvinist etc.
Can calling one crude anatomical names be allowed, after all it is evident to all ifour dear Chruistian Brother is a just a elbow. Can they be called an elbow
Maybe we should add designations to our denominations listed in our info page, Baptist- Stubborn, but ignorant.
This would inform everyone what type of poster we are dealing with, It could even be a temporary designation, Baptist-Short tempered today only, regular Baptist when I get feeling better, You know it gives others a opportunity to understand and how to answer
just asking for a little direction