I am a longtime student of history. I have wracked my brain periodically for four years, since becoming a Christian, to understand the End Times prophecies of the bible. I was streaming a sermon on Sunday when I was taught an interesting factoid. To have an understanding of Revelation it is best to use imagery from the Old Testament since the prophecy was written to those familiar with the orally given Old Testament. Another trick is to identify one thing you do get in Revelation's imagery and extrapolate logically what other things are. This was then applied with the Woman, Child, and the Dragon in Revelation 12. It was very eye opening and I immediately felt convicted to read the End Times prophecies again. I spent much of Sunday night and today doing so.
Between the relevant verses in Revelation 13 and 17 that speak of the Harlot Mystery Babylon the Great I believe I have finally made sense of things. I will first try to unpack my understanding of the Harlot and I ask for input to refine my theology. From this conclusion I am trying to understand the other symbols.
First, I must say that the Beast out of the Sea is a kingdom according to Daniel 7:23. Verse 24 tells us the horns of this beast are kings. This is important, since the Beast is therefore not a single person but a corporate community led by kings.
OK now to deciphering the Harlot, Mystery Babylon the Great of Revelation.
First, I will list facts from Revelation 13 and 17 about the Harlot.
So, what do you think?
I thank God regularly that this is now all making more and more sense. I am now deciphering the scriptures on the Beast out of the Sea (the one in Daniel 2, Daniel 7, and Revelation 17) and the Beast out of the Earth of Revelation 13. This is because I have an angle to understanding them now through the Harlot making prayerful study of them the next logical steps.
Between the relevant verses in Revelation 13 and 17 that speak of the Harlot Mystery Babylon the Great I believe I have finally made sense of things. I will first try to unpack my understanding of the Harlot and I ask for input to refine my theology. From this conclusion I am trying to understand the other symbols.
First, I must say that the Beast out of the Sea is a kingdom according to Daniel 7:23. Verse 24 tells us the horns of this beast are kings. This is important, since the Beast is therefore not a single person but a corporate community led by kings.
OK now to deciphering the Harlot, Mystery Babylon the Great of Revelation.
First, I will list facts from Revelation 13 and 17 about the Harlot.
- The Harlot Mystery Babylon the Great is a great city (17:18)
- A city that sits on seven mountains (17:9)
- The kings of the earth and those who dwell on the earth commit immoral acts with this city (17:2)
- The city is very wealthy, honored, and full of the choicest goods (17:4)
- The city is full of abominations and immorality (17:4)
- The city is a great persecutor and enemy of the saints having murdered so many (17:6)
- The kingdom represented by the fourth beast of Daniel carries this city (17:7)
- The city is the mother of other immoral cities and the mother of the abominations of the earth (17:5)
- This city sits upon many peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (17:15)
- This city will reign over the kings of the earth (17:18)
So, what do you think?
I thank God regularly that this is now all making more and more sense. I am now deciphering the scriptures on the Beast out of the Sea (the one in Daniel 2, Daniel 7, and Revelation 17) and the Beast out of the Earth of Revelation 13. This is because I have an angle to understanding them now through the Harlot making prayerful study of them the next logical steps.
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