JSM17 wrote, "I am trying to understand the connection with God's sovereignty and man's ability to choose...I am open to being wrong and since we are talking about God's work we are called to do, these things are to be taken seriously."
There is something very odd going on here. You began this thread with a vehement attack on your fellow Christians. The suggestion that "Calvinist" are "in reality lying" to people is a very serious charge of sin.
You continue attributing to them the sin of lying by stating,
"It is a lie to tell a man that if he will believe in Jesus Christ that he shall be saved (Romans 10:9-10) while, at the same time, believing and teaching most cannot accept Christ."
Then you move on once more, with a abhorrent misrepresentation of Calvinism in your accusations saying,
"According to Calvinism, the unelected are not offered God's grace and most of the human race is doomed to hell. Technically and practically it is a lie to tell an unelected person he can be saved when he cannot."
You accuse fellow Christians of "false teaching", distorting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and as those in "Doctrinal error [who] perverts God's truth and corrupts the very Gospel the Calvinist claims to believe."
Now, a few post later, you want us to believe you're innocently and simply trying to "understand"? After your gross condenming of the brethren, you want others to believe you could be "wrong"? You're right about one thing, these things should be taken seriously, and the first things that should be taken seriously are your unfounded accusations of lying, the spirit in which you posted this, and your motives for sowing discord among believers.