Originally posted by Evan:
I have been an evangelist with a teen ministry since 1998. I was saved in July 1984. 7 years before that, in 1977 prior to my salvation, I was divorced. Do you believe there is something bibically wrong with my preaching as an evangelist at churches that I visit (not holding a pastoral position) but with my teen ministry program. By the way, I am a Baptist. I will not give my interpretation of scripture as I want to really hear what others believe in and why they believe the way they do on this subject.
Evan, I have a somewhat different view than that of the other brother….
IMO, I think circumstances dictate how your ministry is to be carried out… 1. If you were a sinner during the time of your separation, even though divorce is wrong in the sight of God, you weren’t subject to the laws of God…. Roman’s 8:7-8
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be…. So, then they that are in the flesh cannot please God
After that you are saved, your past sins should no longer be in consideration….. God forgave you of your past sins, and the wife that you’re with at that time, is one wife, not two… Your only wife in God’s eyes…
2. If you were a believer at the time of your divorce, the circumstances again dictate whether you can still hang on to the gospel plow…. The Bible says that those that look back after they have put their hands to the plow, is no longer worthy…. In other words, no longer a fit vessel to deliver the gospel… You won’t lose your salvation, but you would lose your office as a minister…
3. Here are the two circumstances that God would allow for a divorce, and still allow you to maintain your calling as a minister….
A. If you couldn’t get along with your wife and you divorce her, and you either remain unmarried, or reconcile to your wife…. This would also depend upon your wife, because if she married again, it would have caused her to commit adultery…
B. If a brother has an unbelieving wife and she is pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away…. BUT…. If your unbelieving wife isn’t pleased to dwell with you, if she leaves, then you are not in bondage in those cases… In other words, God won’t hold a man to blame for the actions of an unbeliever… If then that man marry again, he has not sinned… Neither should the church of God hold that man apart from the pulpit….
If God doesn’t hold that man responsible in such cases, then why should the Church… Even though, out of ignorance, most churches do hold a man blamable, as though he still had two wives… It’s like any other hard to understand scriptures, men take them and twist them around to suit their purpose…..