Hello to everyone. I am sorry for being gone since Wednesday night, but I have had serious email problems with my provider. I have been able to see your comments but have been unable to respond. I appreciate all of the discussion concerning the question. And, as we can all see, this is a very "touchy" area, even from fundamental to liberal Baptist churches. I have known churches where the Pastor states he has no problem with a divorced person (prior to their salvation) being remarried and then called by God to preach. I know, I know before you come unglued, I just stating the case within our own circles, but then the Deacons have the problem. Let me tell you something folks, I am as conservative as they come with standards and intrepretation. I have been educated by many who were very conservative and I am telling you it is divided about this issue. What I would like to know just for my sake, not that it means much, but how many who have responded are speaking from a position of a Pastor? You see, that is really where the "rubber" meets the road in any church. I didn't say that I don't share the information with a Pastor, someone I think presumed I don't. Do I put it out there for a churches public knowledge? NO! That is not my position, nor is it really anyone's business within that church I am visiting. You give the Pastor the authority when you call him, it is his decision then as to who comes and preaches or holds their ministry at that church. If I don't get to bring the teen ministry to that church, I understand. I don't walk away beaten down. My God is too great for that to happen to me. Because he washed me of my sins and loves me just as much as he does anyone else who accepts him. God utimately called me to this ministry, not man. I knew it would be an uphill battle sometimes. But, I will say this, I have been on "top" more than "under" when it comes to this subject effecting my ministry. In other words, I have seen more churches open than closed. Whew! I am glad I could get back on with all of you. Your Servant In Christ: Evan