UTEOTW said,
"I must make the assumption that God would not have created life one way and choose to make it look like He used a different way."
Well, everybody knows what happens when you ASSUME.
First, God can do anything he chooses.
Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed [it], Why hast thou made me thus?
We also cannot understand why God does some things that he does.
Isa 55:8 For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Isa 55:9 For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So, we must realize that some things that God performs does not seem reasonable or make sense to us. That does not mean God is wrong. We simply are not able to comprehend some of his actions.
Almost everyone has asked why if there is a loving God he would allow war, or famine, or disease, or why God would allow little children to die.
I cannot always understand these things either. But we must trust that God has a good purpose.
In addition, what you fail to realize is your own predisposition to see evidence that fits your belief and ignore evidence against it.
You and others have said you believe the Universe looks old. Why would God make the Universe look old if it is young you ask?
For instance, many people believe the craters on the Moon, planets, and moons of planets show that the Universe is very old. It was thought meteorites strike at a steady and predictable rate and thus can be used as a gage. The more craters, the older the planet or moon.
But new evidence has shown that most craters are secondary craters caused by the impact of a large meteor. Supposedly, a large meteor struck Mars leaving a large crater. But scientists estimate that this impact also called over 10 MILLION secondary craters. This fact has thrown the dating method into doubt. Many now say that this method of counting craters has been shown useless.
This also shows that the Universe can be very young, but appear old.
You have to be open to that.
Planets and Moons Suddenly Got Much Younger 10/20/2005
A planet or moon covered with craters just looks old, doesn’t it? Planetary geologists have long relied on crater counts to estimate the absolute ages of surfaces, such as on the moon, Mars, Europa, and every other solid body. Lots of craters meant old. Few craters meant young. Presumably, impacting bodies came in like clockwork and left their marks over the eons. An uncomfortable fact has come to light that disturbs this simple picture like a bolide: most of the craters are secondary impacts.
Picture a big meteor hitting Mars. Did you know that it could toss up enough debris to create 10 million more craters – all from a single event? That’s one of several shocking facts presented by Clark R. Chapman and two colleagues in a Letter to Nature.1 (see also summary on Space.com). Believe it or not, they calculate that some 95% of small craters (1 km in diameter and under) are secondaries, and many of the moderate size craters probably are, too. This means that only a few impactors could quickly saturate a body with craters. It also means that estimating surface ages via crater counts is a lost art, because it just lost its credibility:
Surface ages can be derived from the spatial density of craters, but this association presumes that the craters are made by interplanetary impactors, arriving randomly in time and location across the surface. Secondary craters cause confusion because they contaminate the primary cratering record by emplacing large numbers of craters, episodically, in random and non-random locations on the surface. The number and spatial extent of secondary craters generated by a primary impact has been a significant research issue. If many or most small craters on a surface are secondaries, but are mistakenly identified as primaries, derived surface ages or characteristics of the impacting population size-frequency distribution (SFD) will be in error. (Emphasis added in all quotes.)
Their mathematical analysis yielded the 95% figure for secondaries. The production of secondary craters on Europa, they found, was “unexpectedly efficient.” Although secondary crater formation on icy bodies was so, they feel that similar secondary crater production occurs on rocky bodies like the Moon and Mars, and granted that, has a ripple effect casting the entire method into doubt:
Our work raises doubts regarding methods that use the lunar small-crater distribution to calibrate other inner Solar System surface ages (for example, Mars). If, as on Europa, lunar and martian secondaries are 95% of the small crater (less than a few kilometres) population, the error bars (and thus derived surface ages) on any residual primary crater population become large (uncertainties are 20 times the measured density value). This uncertainty applies to both the measured population on a martian surface unit and the lunar SFD that supposedly represents absolute age. We emphasize that traditional age-dating analyses still derive robust ages when using large craters (greater than a few kilometres diameter), which are less likely to be secondaries. However, the technique becomes increasingly unreliable when applied to dating tiny geographical units using small craters, which may be mostly secondaries.
As a result, they conclude that “any attempt” to age-date surfaces or characterize the population of impactors may suffer “a significant and perhaps uncorrectable bias” due to the contribution from secondaries. They ended with that case of the single Martian impact that generated 10 million secondaries from 10 to 100 meters in diameter.
Speaking of Mars, the Mars Global Surveyor recently took a sharp image captioned “secondary craters.” Click here for a look.
1Bierhaus, Chapman and Merline, “Secondary craters on Europa and implications for cratered surfaces,” Nature 437, 1125-1127 (20 October 2005) | doi: 10.1038/nature04069.
What you fail to see is that you SEE WHAT YOU WISH TO SEE.
Several have pointed that out to you, but just like evidence against evolution, you choose to simply deny it, or ignore it.
"I must make the assumption that God would not have created life one way and choose to make it look like He used a different way."
Well, everybody knows what happens when you ASSUME.
First, God can do anything he chooses.
Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed [it], Why hast thou made me thus?
We also cannot understand why God does some things that he does.
Isa 55:8 For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Isa 55:9 For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So, we must realize that some things that God performs does not seem reasonable or make sense to us. That does not mean God is wrong. We simply are not able to comprehend some of his actions.
Almost everyone has asked why if there is a loving God he would allow war, or famine, or disease, or why God would allow little children to die.
I cannot always understand these things either. But we must trust that God has a good purpose.
In addition, what you fail to realize is your own predisposition to see evidence that fits your belief and ignore evidence against it.
You and others have said you believe the Universe looks old. Why would God make the Universe look old if it is young you ask?
For instance, many people believe the craters on the Moon, planets, and moons of planets show that the Universe is very old. It was thought meteorites strike at a steady and predictable rate and thus can be used as a gage. The more craters, the older the planet or moon.
But new evidence has shown that most craters are secondary craters caused by the impact of a large meteor. Supposedly, a large meteor struck Mars leaving a large crater. But scientists estimate that this impact also called over 10 MILLION secondary craters. This fact has thrown the dating method into doubt. Many now say that this method of counting craters has been shown useless.
This also shows that the Universe can be very young, but appear old.
You have to be open to that.
Planets and Moons Suddenly Got Much Younger 10/20/2005
A planet or moon covered with craters just looks old, doesn’t it? Planetary geologists have long relied on crater counts to estimate the absolute ages of surfaces, such as on the moon, Mars, Europa, and every other solid body. Lots of craters meant old. Few craters meant young. Presumably, impacting bodies came in like clockwork and left their marks over the eons. An uncomfortable fact has come to light that disturbs this simple picture like a bolide: most of the craters are secondary impacts.
Picture a big meteor hitting Mars. Did you know that it could toss up enough debris to create 10 million more craters – all from a single event? That’s one of several shocking facts presented by Clark R. Chapman and two colleagues in a Letter to Nature.1 (see also summary on Space.com). Believe it or not, they calculate that some 95% of small craters (1 km in diameter and under) are secondaries, and many of the moderate size craters probably are, too. This means that only a few impactors could quickly saturate a body with craters. It also means that estimating surface ages via crater counts is a lost art, because it just lost its credibility:
Surface ages can be derived from the spatial density of craters, but this association presumes that the craters are made by interplanetary impactors, arriving randomly in time and location across the surface. Secondary craters cause confusion because they contaminate the primary cratering record by emplacing large numbers of craters, episodically, in random and non-random locations on the surface. The number and spatial extent of secondary craters generated by a primary impact has been a significant research issue. If many or most small craters on a surface are secondaries, but are mistakenly identified as primaries, derived surface ages or characteristics of the impacting population size-frequency distribution (SFD) will be in error. (Emphasis added in all quotes.)
Their mathematical analysis yielded the 95% figure for secondaries. The production of secondary craters on Europa, they found, was “unexpectedly efficient.” Although secondary crater formation on icy bodies was so, they feel that similar secondary crater production occurs on rocky bodies like the Moon and Mars, and granted that, has a ripple effect casting the entire method into doubt:
Our work raises doubts regarding methods that use the lunar small-crater distribution to calibrate other inner Solar System surface ages (for example, Mars). If, as on Europa, lunar and martian secondaries are 95% of the small crater (less than a few kilometres) population, the error bars (and thus derived surface ages) on any residual primary crater population become large (uncertainties are 20 times the measured density value). This uncertainty applies to both the measured population on a martian surface unit and the lunar SFD that supposedly represents absolute age. We emphasize that traditional age-dating analyses still derive robust ages when using large craters (greater than a few kilometres diameter), which are less likely to be secondaries. However, the technique becomes increasingly unreliable when applied to dating tiny geographical units using small craters, which may be mostly secondaries.
As a result, they conclude that “any attempt” to age-date surfaces or characterize the population of impactors may suffer “a significant and perhaps uncorrectable bias” due to the contribution from secondaries. They ended with that case of the single Martian impact that generated 10 million secondaries from 10 to 100 meters in diameter.
Speaking of Mars, the Mars Global Surveyor recently took a sharp image captioned “secondary craters.” Click here for a look.
1Bierhaus, Chapman and Merline, “Secondary craters on Europa and implications for cratered surfaces,” Nature 437, 1125-1127 (20 October 2005) | doi: 10.1038/nature04069.
What you fail to see is that you SEE WHAT YOU WISH TO SEE.
Several have pointed that out to you, but just like evidence against evolution, you choose to simply deny it, or ignore it.