Response to post #31
Dear Baptist Believer,
Thank you for taking the time to respond to post #27.
You may laugh at this, I had written a long response but it has left the building through an error in typing. Trying again.
"You don't understand me at all." You are quite right.
Your criticisms of President Trump as a man lacking character who harmed the pro-life movement is a deflection.
I am not saying Trump is a saint. All the previous presidents have had character issues which manifested in the policies they promoted. They are not as big in our minds now as Mr. Donald's.
Let's see. All these presidents were really moral men compared to President Trump you intimate.
Barack Obama
Obama's 5 biggest mistakes
George W. Bush
William Clinton
Clintons continue to tout legacy where others see era of mistakes and scandal
President Trump did not start the cells for illegal immigrants. Guess who had them before:
Fact check: Obama administration built migrant 'cages'; meme is true
You can even look back to WWII and President Roosevelt's detention camps for US citizens of Japanese descent.
"The Biden Administration is for the right of women to make the choice for abortion." That you write as if it is a positive or neutral thing.
It is NOT a right. It is murder but not, apparently, to you. You said you were not ok with abortion and then you write that.
You will find a way to say I am mischaracterizing you but I am not. You are soft on it. You are the one who wrote "right".
Then you wrote this: "Most persons who support a woman's right to choose and abortion do not believe that the zygote/embryo/fetus is a human person. Therefore, it cannot be murder. Murder is killing with knowing intent. Manslaughter is accidentally or mistakenly killing someone.
"Most persons who support a woman's right to choose and abortion do not believe that the zygote/embryo/fetus is a human person. Therefore, it cannot be murder."
So it is not murder because THEY BELIEVE a fetus is not a human? Come on man. You know what the bible says about fetuses.
And ignorance is not an excuse to kill. Why does some as dumb as me have to point this out to a believer?
God superintends the building of life. You are against abortion in a figurative sense only if you write like that.
"Manslaughter is accidentally or mistakenly killing someone. "
So now you equate abortion with manslaughter? Abortion is an "accident"? And yes it is a mistake like murder is a mistake. But not in the terms of "mistakenly killing". You make it sound like a big oopsie.
Many of these people are between a rock and a hard place so you suggest this is a way out for them, perhaps as a last resort. How nice a Christian kindness you demonstrate. They are choosing to take a life. That is intent. And that is murder. It is the Christian way to help people right? Perhaps you would be satisfied with making the taking of life a misdemeanor at worst. You don't seem to think of it as a big sin. Part of the consequences of dealing with the product of sex. Throw it away.
Any person, "who is "pro-abortion" wants everyone to have an abortion." No they don't. That is a mischaracterization too. And a journalist should recognize it as such.
Then you say, "Christians who have betrayed Jesus by supported Trump in his immorality and dishonesty have lost their credibility with the general public."
So now I have betrayed Jesus. Why, thank you.
I, and most likely many others, but if you want, just keep it to me. Easier for you that way. I do not support Trump in whatever immoral acts he committed. I support Trump because of the immoral acts he tried to stop. Talk about mischaracterization. The door swings both ways in case that has escaped you.
"The Biden Administration is for the right of women to make the choice for abortion. That's a very different thing."
You say you are against any of Biden's acts "so I oppose things that current President Biden has done" care to elaborate? Not like your "moral" statement above. Where are your threads on this topic? What are immoral things to you? Couldn't be that woman who Biden allegedly groped. I thought you liked me, man. Not his deals in the Ukraine and China.
Go ahead tell me my logic is wrong and my statements are "stupid." You are the one who is minimizing murder and you don't even see it.
There were less murders of this fashion before Roe v Wade. And no SCOTUS will stop it now.
"Even making abortion illegal won't stop abortion since it is relatively easy to induce miscarriages. People have been doing it since the days of ancient Egypt. Moreover, there are several different types of drugs that will induce miscarriages that will be relatively easy to obtain -- even easier than getting marijuana in a big city."
Yeah! So let's not even try to stop it. It's not murder because I don't BELIEVE it's murder.
Law and Order Thompson found out how much work and sacrifice it would cost to run.
"Kasich is known as one of Trump's most prominent critics within the Republican Party,
[10] and he endorsed Democratic presidential nominee
Joe Biden for president in a speech at the