This is mainly for CTB and our other anti-gun members....
What *exactly* will this executive order achieve? Notice I said "exactly."
Obama has enacted 23 other related Executive Orders since Sandy Hook; and we've still had mass shootings.
Background checks occur at gun shows when the seller is a licensed dealer, because licensed dealers are already required to conduct background checks, and not doing so at a gun show would cause them to lose their dealer license. As this executive order says, "people in the business of selling guns." The *only* time a licensed dealer would not conduct a background check would be in the case of a personal firearm in a personal sale. So what gunshow loophole is this Executive Order closing?
Someone called into a radio show yesterday claiming that this EO helps because buying an automatic weapon is too easy. It's obvious that the individual didn't have a freakin' clue what they were talking about, because none of the weapons used in any of the mass shootings were originally automatic weapons; they were semi-automatic. If they were automatic, they were purchased illegally, or modified to become automatic. So how does this executive order prevent illegal obtainment of automatic weapons?
It also makes it harder for people on Social Security to obtain a weapon, if someone has determined that they're not able to manage their own benefits. But I have to ask there: When have we seen any mass shootings, or any other shootings, by someone on Social Security who was deemed unable to manage their social security benefits?
The *only* thing this executive order has done is to add the condition that your personal health records can now be opened by anyone selling weapons, or at least by the government in order to add you to the "not allowed to buy" list.
If we can't provide the evidence that these were actual threats, that enacting such an executive order would prevent such threats -- then what *exactly* does this executive order protect us from?
Because if it doesn't actually protect us from something -- then all it's really doing is taking something away from us....
What *exactly* will this executive order achieve? Notice I said "exactly."
Obama has enacted 23 other related Executive Orders since Sandy Hook; and we've still had mass shootings.
Background checks occur at gun shows when the seller is a licensed dealer, because licensed dealers are already required to conduct background checks, and not doing so at a gun show would cause them to lose their dealer license. As this executive order says, "people in the business of selling guns." The *only* time a licensed dealer would not conduct a background check would be in the case of a personal firearm in a personal sale. So what gunshow loophole is this Executive Order closing?
Someone called into a radio show yesterday claiming that this EO helps because buying an automatic weapon is too easy. It's obvious that the individual didn't have a freakin' clue what they were talking about, because none of the weapons used in any of the mass shootings were originally automatic weapons; they were semi-automatic. If they were automatic, they were purchased illegally, or modified to become automatic. So how does this executive order prevent illegal obtainment of automatic weapons?
It also makes it harder for people on Social Security to obtain a weapon, if someone has determined that they're not able to manage their own benefits. But I have to ask there: When have we seen any mass shootings, or any other shootings, by someone on Social Security who was deemed unable to manage their social security benefits?
The *only* thing this executive order has done is to add the condition that your personal health records can now be opened by anyone selling weapons, or at least by the government in order to add you to the "not allowed to buy" list.
If we can't provide the evidence that these were actual threats, that enacting such an executive order would prevent such threats -- then what *exactly* does this executive order protect us from?
Because if it doesn't actually protect us from something -- then all it's really doing is taking something away from us....