we can state that per the scriptures predestination and election refers to an act of will by God to save out from among all lost sinner's a group of people unto Himself, as shown in the faithful remnant out from among national Israel there were saved out spiritual Israel even in OT times.I think it takes a lot of theological gyrations to make Romans chapter 9 support the view that God before creation, as his primary purpose and desire, was to create millions of people for the sole purpose of burning in Hell for all eternity. While it is true that God's electing grace is in operation and mentioned as being in effect in Romans 9 the purpose is to help Jewish folks understand that God's electing grace is not based on ethnicity or on pursuing the legal righteousness of the law and to make all of us who do believe appreciative of God's grace because as stated in verse 29 we could just as well have ended up as Sodom and Gomorrah.
To go further than that, and try to act as if our message is to proclaim that God has chosen multitudes for damnation and hell before they were ever born is not what I think Romans 9 is about. And I do think that it is quite possible that this is a serious misrepresentation of God's character.