... If at any point you have an error on any document provided he can at that point detain you. But that's ok because if you've done nothing wrong then you don't have to worry about it right? However, what has happened here is a violation of your rights. ...
The law requires that a non-citizen have the identification to show that are not in the country illegally. That means a "green card" or a passport. The law also requires that citizens engaged in certain activities - like driving an automobile - have identification for those activities. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a law enforcement officer asking you to present identification in the course of numerous activities or if, in his judgment, there's reasonable suspicion you are in violation of law. There's nothing wrong with asking for identification, looking at that identification, and further questioning something that doesn't seem right. If there's an "error" - often meaning altered or forged - on what you present then there's "probably" a problem. There's no violation of an individual rights in any of these actions.
What do you think should be the case? Do you think a person should be able to just say: "Buzz off, copper, I'm Barrack Obama and I don't need to show you my ID! It's my right to be whomever I want to be right now!"
Hats off the Arizona for doing something to help enforce our immigration law and preserve the liberties we've enjoyed in this great nation. If other States would do likewise we might make a dent in a problem that's gotten way out of hand. Let's hope so because the alternatives down the road would endanger everyone's individual rights.
The negative responses from some corners of our society including government and quasi-government agencies is conclusive proof of how stupid and almost hopeless many have become in their thinking. Some of the same people that squeal so loudly about a violation of individual rights in being required to present identification squeal just as loudly about it not being a violation of individual rights to limit your ability to defend yourself with a weapon or retain your private ownership of property if some local political wants to have a shopping mall built on your farm. We're loosing our rational abilities to make good judgments!
At least it seems from some polls - for whatever they're worth - that two thirds of the people are good with what was done by Arizona. Unfortunately, much more attention will be given in the media to the opposition.