Good Question!
To all the Pastors in here that preach expositorily, how do you prepare?
For those who didn't go to Seminary or Bible college, how did you study before you excepted the Gospel call? I'm trying to find out how you prepared for the pulpit before you started preaching. Also if you could go back would you change any preparation before beginning your ministry?
I'm asking because I desire to preach but don't feel called yet.
Rick, I love your candidness. While it is true that you first, and foremost should know beyond doubt that you've been called to preach. Then, you work out your style with the prayerful groanings of the Holy Ghost.
When I first started, preaching from a preformed, well prepared sermon was the only way I'd go to the pulpit. Keep in mind, that five, six, seven-page script was a result of tons of prayer and study!
Then I felt the nudge to preach the message in front of me with the leading of the Spirit, and in the initial days, I'd get going, and then realize I was off script, and get frustrated as I couldn't find my place once I realized I was not on script. It was a confusing, frustrating time.
Then [and I'm talking years] I went to outline, and once God weaned me from the scripts and outlines and showed me His Spirit would give me the words; I went to a scriptural passage, with notes on the margins of all my pages. I had several folks ask if they could look at my Bible, as they felt the messages were super and they wanted to see how God was working in my preparation and delivery. You should see my Bible? I have hundreds of messages notated on each page. In fact, now I can open the Word, and according to what I sensed the needs of the group were, I can preach up a storm, just from the verses and completely LEANING on the Holy Ghost!
In fact, there was a time I wanted to preach this way, but never thought I'd make it beyond the scripted messages. Man, God is awesome, and He gradually took away my crutches, and got me in tune with what He needed to say and how He wanted it said!
That is not to say any of the other ways are wrong, or that my way is superior. That is not what I am saying! It is just the comfort level I now have, and there are good things to say about each style of preaching! You just find what YOU feel comfortable with and then be open to what He teaches and leads you to!
As for knowing I was called ... it was definitely UNMISTAKEABLE. If you want to know what it was that led to my calling, write me, and I'll share!
God bless you my brother, and know you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you seek to elevate your ministry in His name and to His glory! Just be patient, and God will lead you to, or away from the call to preach!
