poncho said:
Roberts is a conservative. Remember those? Or was that before your time?
Strange days we live in when truth is labeled hate eh Rufus?
Only a dedicated conspiracy theorist like yourself would call Roberts' fearmongering "truth".
Just a few excerpts of Roberts' fearmongering:
Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.
Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near future.
the administration intends to rescue its unpopular position with false flag operations that can be used to expand the war to Iran.
The Bush administration desperately needs dramatic events to scare the American people and the Congress back in line with the militarist-police state that Bush and Cheney have fostered.
the GOP is "praying for a terrorist strike" to save the party from electoral wipeout in 2008.
The Bush administration has tried unsuccessfully to resurrect the terrorist fear factor by infiltrating some blowhard groups and encouraging them to talk about staging "terrorist" events.
it will have to conduct some false flag operations that will both frighten and anger the American people and make them accept Bush's declaration of "national emergency" and the return of the draft.
That's leaving out all the hate filled ad hominem attacks and comparisons to Hitler.
The only possible explanation for such vitriol is hate or a mind dangerously out of balance. If it's not hate , one would be well advised to keep their children off the street when Roberts is around.