So you agree that the facts are correct. You just don't like the source.
Please carefully re-read my post. I am saying the FoxNews post is only telling part of the story.
It is like retelling the story of the Cowboys and Redskins game and pointing out that the Cowboys were able to successfully pass for more yards than the Redskins and thus had a great game. That is a true statement. However it is an incomplete statement. While the Cowboys were able to pass for more yards than the Redskins they ultimately lost the game. The form of fallacy that the author of the FoxNews post is using is pointing to one aspect of a statistic and forgetting to tell the rest of the story. Yes, gun deaths as classified by rifle are lower than deaths by blunt objects. But that isn't the whole story.
I wonder how the data changes when we look at accidental gun deaths by rifle versus accidental hammer deaths.
It is an incomplete and specious use of data. Both sides in this discussion use this fallacy all the time. I'm just pointing out that it is poor argumentation and is setting up a false dichotomy.
carpro said:
Try MSNBC. I'm sure you'll get reporting more to your taste. Biased and incomplete.
Good see you elevating the conversation here.
carpro said:
You'd somehow like everyone to overlook the fact that an "assault weapons ban" is primarily directed against RIFLES!!!!!!!
It isn't primarily directed against rifles, it is directed against military grade munitions and weapons. An Uzi isn't classified as a rifle but it should be banned. (I can't honestly think of a single good reason a citizen should own an Uzi) There is no conceivable reason that citizens should be able to own high capacity, high rate of fire military grade weapons. We have a well regulated militia. We don't need citizens owning military grade weapons.
BTW, I'm all for citizens being able to own rifles and handguns. Hunting and protection are legitimate issues. However, if anyone thinks that if the worst happens and you're more protected by having a fully automatic weapon with 30+ rounds in the clip you're living in a dream world. The vast majority of gun incidents between individuals begin and end with less than five rounds being exchanged.