Bob Alkire
New Member
So you can see why the abused poor in Mexico want to enter into the US for survival and better living conditions.
I went down to the Yucatan peninsular and Belize and that area studying the history and architect of the temples and pyramids. They were very anti USA pro revolutionary theology. They were very poor and had been mistreated by their government and loved Cuba and Castro and his right hand man that off hand I can't think of.
I all for folks coming correctly, legal into our country, not for what the country can do for them, but how they can assimilate into the US and add to our country.
We also need to protect our people who live near the boarder, why should their homes and lives be put in danger for folks coming into our country the wrong way.
I'm not certain that if the US goes down the tubes and we have to buy bread with wheelbarrels of money I might not entertain entering Canada illegally.
I was born here and I'll stay.