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Fake Turkey Photo-Op?

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Daisy, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. Daisy

    Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    This liberal does, anyway; can't speak for them all.

    But a Thanksgiving Parade is not a children's Christmas party. Some people would say that deliberately misrepresenting the truth is the same as lieing and that lieing is a sin and that if you've committed one sin, you've committed them all.

    But that's just some people.
  2. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Daisy, you are correct that what Macy's Department Store did in New York City is not a fit place to take children.

    The idea that there is good is everybody, Daisy, is not a Christian idea or a Christian doctrine. Quite the opposite.

    Tell the truth, Daisy; there is no good in me--we have to agree on that. See how easily I have refuted your idea.

  3. The Galatian

    The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    There is some good in everyone. The fact that we have an evil nature does not erase the fact that we all ache for the absence of good and desire it.

    Some of us think we can find it in other things than God, and that is what causes all the trouble.
  4. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Is that what The Vatican preaches, Galatian? Here is what Jesus said:

    Matthew 19:17

    And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
  5. Pennsylvania Jim

    Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    God created man in His image. Through sin, man's basic nature has become corrupted, and man's unavoidable natural tendency is toward self and sin, not toward God. Therefore all men, outside of Christ, are bound for Hell.

    All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. But, I think Galatian's point is that man does have the capacity to do good, at least as God allows us to judge good works. That is because he was created in God's image. But no amount of good works can "outweigh" the sin nature, because God is perfect. That's why God sent His Only Son (ain't Christmas great!!!), because only through HIS PERFECT LIFE AND SACRIFICE OF HIS BLOOOD ON CALVARY can we be reconciled with God.

    I know of some unsaved folks who "look more Christian" (kindness, morality, selflessness, hard work, generosity, integrity) than many Christians. Sadly without Christ they will be forever lost. But I think that is the "good" that can be seen in people that Galatian is referring to.
  6. Daisy

    Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    You know very well that isn't what I said.

    Can someone made in the image of God have no good whatsoever? Is it possible that you mean something different than I by "good"?

    I could refute you just as easily by putting words you didn't say and don't believe in your mouth. :rolleyes:

    Anyhoo, I do believe there is as much good in you as in the average homosexual transvestite.

  7. The Galatian

    The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    Jim, you are correct. No matter how good we are, if Jesus had not died on the cross for us, we would not be saved.

    Nevertheless, even before He came, men realized the absence, and yearned for it. History is to some degree, the story of looking in all the wrong places for goodness.

    We have, because of the Fall, a knowledge of good and evil, and thereby know what is good. And unless one is greviously damaged, one seeks it.
  8. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    Catholic theology is out to lunch on the question of total depravity. The Vatican has mixed their political goals into their theology. This politics was shown earlier this week when the Pope complained about the treatment given a mass murderer as if there was a concern on that point as long as the Geneva Conventions were not violated. I do not believe the Catholic doctrine that men naturally seek good. Men do not know what is good. Secondly, the Catholic doctrine of Justification difers wildly from the Protestant doctrine.

    If, as was pointed out above, one breaks one law, then one is guilty of breaking all laws, then where is the good in anyone?

    In truth, there could never be some good in everybody. It sounds nice in left-wing politics, but it falls on its face in theology. The purpose of saying that there is good in everybody is to win votes.
  9. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    What Matthew Henry (1162-1714) said about Matthew 19:17:

    'He [Jesus] tenderly assists his faith; for, doubtless, he did not mean it for a reproof, when he said, Why callest thou me good? But he would seem to find that faith in what he said, when he called him good Master, which the gentleman perhaps was not conscious to himself of; he intended no more than to own and honour him as a good man, but Christ would lead him to own and honour him as a good God; for there is none good but one, that is God. Note, As Christ is graciously ready to make the best that he can of what is said or done amiss; so he is ready to make the most that can be of what is well said and well done. His constructions are often better than our intentions; as in that, "I was hungry, and you gave me meat, though you little thought it was to me.'' Christ will have this young man either know him to be God, or not call him good; to teach us to transfer to God all the praise that is at any time given to us. Do any call us good? Let us tell them all goodness is from God, and therefore not to us, but to him give glory. All crowns must lie before his throne. Note, God only is good, and there is none essentially, originally, and unchangeably, good, but God only. His goodness is of and from himself, and all the goodness in the creature is from him; he is the Fountain of goodness, and whatever the streams are, all the springs are in him, Jam. 1:17. He is the great Pattern and Sample of goodness; by him all goodness is to be measured; that is good which is like him, and agreeable to his mind. We in our language call him God, because he is good. In this, as in other things, our Lord Jesus was the Brightness of his glory (and his goodness is his glory), and the express image of his person, and therefore fitly called good Master.

    '(2.) He plainly directs his practice, in answer to his question. He started that thought of his being good, and therefore God, but did not stay upon it, lest he should seem to divert from, and so to drop, the main question, as many do in needless disputes and strifes of words. Now Christ's answer is, in short, this, If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.'