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Falwell's Christian Community

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by Monergist, Jun 17, 2002.

  1. Monergist

    Monergist New Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    From my hometown newspaper: http://www.timesnews.net/index.cgi?BISKIT=648687708&CONTEXT=story&id=61234&category=54&search_query=falwell

    I don't get it, as this doesn't seem to fit God's purpose for our short existence on earth.

    Hebrews 13:12-14 (ESV)
    So Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. [13] Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured. [14] For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.
  2. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    I have to agree, we aren't to hide ourselves away from the world, but live in the world to be a witness to the world.
    I've never agreed with christians isolating themselves. I don't think thats what we are to do. What are they supose to do just on a whim drive to town so they can find someone to witness to.
  3. Jamal5000

    Jamal5000 New Member

    Oct 8, 2001
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    If we lived in a Christian community from "birth to antiquity" then when will we get a chance to witness to non-believers? Will we only witness to "tourists"?

    Also, Falwell said that homosexuals would not be comfortable with all of the Christians witnessing to them. How does he know that? That would give the community an opportunity to save another soul.

    It sounds too utopian for me. We as Christians should realize that heaven exists as the only perfect world. Until it arrives, we must live happily in this flawed one like strangers in a foreign land.

    J5Grand [​IMG]
  4. Brother Adam

    Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    And I'm going to this guys school.... The fun I'll have if topics such as these are brought up :rolleyes:

    Brother Adam
  5. Rev. Joshua

    Rev. Joshua <img src=/cjv.jpg>

    Aug 7, 2001
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    Adam...you're going to Liberty???


    I hope they don't beat the compassion and open-mindedness out of you.

  6. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    While I'm grateful that Rev Falwell has taken an interest in the local community, I don't like the implication of inolsationism that such a community might favor. While there are many communities that cling together because of their religious or cultural roots, I'm concerned about about the community evolving into a "baptist only" neighborhood. Trying to witness to gays ot atheists is one thing, but imagine if some well-meaning baptists start witnessing to presbyterians or methodists, and the bad rap the rest of the baptist community would get. That would ony produce more fracturing of Christ's people.
  7. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Shades of Jim & Tammy Faye! There is nothing new under the sun.

    Isn't this akin to Pat Roberton's race horse & the huge stud fee incident that happened not long ago (last month)?

    Not to mention how Pat Robertson does business with Liberian lunatic Charles Taylor (who has murdered thousands) & his diamond mines, which turns around and funds terrorist groups.

    Spare us! God help us! Is this what the Great Commission is about?

    Our Lord and Master was born in an animal stall (probably a cave). He never "owned" a piece of real estate. He had to borrow a donkey to ride upon. He had a borrowed tomb. Spare us. Just spare us. I can't take anymore! :mad:
  8. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    It appears Bro. Jerry is suffering from an edifice complex. I can still see him riding down the water slide at the PTL theme park ... now he just has his own.
  9. Brother Adam

    Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    Come now Joshua, you know how vocal I get. I'd like to think I'll start this little fire that will spread throughout the campus like a wildfire...you know a little thing called the great commission :rolleyes:

    Actually I agree with thier general doctrinal statement almost to the teeth. So it shouldn't be too bad and if they try to beat the compassion out of me I'll just be compassionate :D

    Brother Adam
  10. bb_baptist

    bb_baptist New Member

    Jun 22, 2000
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    I personally like what Dr. Falwell is doing.

    The Christian community is also a great idea.

    Many in the business community truly admire Falwell for his management skills.
  11. Monergist

    Monergist New Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Some reasons its not a good idea:

    Lack of Biblical precedent- nowhere in the Bible is it commanded or even suggested that a church attempt to build a safe, warm and cozy christian environment. This wasn't Paul's objective, nor was it Peter's, James, or John's, nor was it commanded by our Lord.

    Is it likely that at the judgement seat that God will be impressed that we spent millions of dollars trying to replicate a small heaven on earth, while millions in the world are dying without food, clothing, and the GOSPEL?

    How likely is it that families that have this mindset to live there would be willing to go or have their children go to the hard places of the world to win souls for Christ?
  12. fossilman

    fossilman New Member

    Apr 3, 2002
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    Why in the world would Jerry Falwell use (Mormon owned and run) Brigham Young University as a model?

    That seemed totaly out of context. It almost made the whole article appear to be some kind of parody.

    I graduated from BYU with a BS and an MS, but it is not anything like the kind of environment that I would want to spend my entire life in.
  13. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I haven't read too too much about Falwell's little "House of Cards" brainstorm but do have a few comments.

    It seems he is asking good parents to blow their children's inheritance in investing in a little piece of the House of Cards. Who gets the house when mama and papa die? Probably Falwell's coffers!

    And what about property values--seems they would be locked into place at this place.

    Bad, bad, bad investment of the money God's given!
  14. go2church

    go2church Active Member
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    Jun 21, 2002
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    Many in the business community truly admire Falwell for his management skills.

    That is what I want to hear from my community, that preacher sure has some management skills. :(

    That is what I want to hear from God..."Boy-howdy that fella sure can manage."

    Again Falwell has proven to be a better promoter of himself then God. Go into all the world and build condos...what version is that?!?!
  15. bb_baptist

    bb_baptist New Member

    Jun 22, 2000
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    I am very disappointed by some of the posts above.

    In typical Baptist fashion, you guys accuse someone (a pastor) without having any facts whatsoever. :(

    I don't have the time right now to post a response. I'll respond within a few days.
  16. Choosefaith

    Choosefaith New Member

    Jun 24, 2002
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    I agree,
    I just recently saw Dr. Falwell Preach and He was Pretty Good. No one Can judge him for that article alone. I visited his Web-site and Pastor John Hagee is a Pastor I like very much and will be preaching at an activity they are going to have on The 3rd of July! If I lived in Va. I would Go! Liberty University is located in Lynchburg, Va., Nobody is Perfect Not even a Preacher, But I respect Someone Serving the Lord and reaching out . I think it is Free and the Parking is Also, If you Go, If I were you, I would Bring Money For Food and an Offering (If you feel it in Your Heart) for that Great activity and to Support the Ministry. If you would like more information visit:


    John Hagee Can Be Heard Preaching Online 24 Hours a Day in His Ministry Page at

    Information About this Activity
    3rd of July at Liberty starting at 4:00pm

    * RIDES AND GAMES (4:00 - 7:00 p.m.)

    The kids will have a blast on a variety of carnival rides and wild games. (Rides will reopen following the fireworks display at 9:30 p.m.)

    * CIVIL WAR REENACTMENT (7:00 p.m.)

    Civil War reenactors, armed with four artillery cannons, will recreate "The Skirmish for Sandusky." In addition, Gen. Robert E Lee, portrayed by Al Stone, will speak. And the Virginia Grays Drum and Fife Corps will perform.

    * "GOD & COUNTRY" CELEBRATION (7:30 p.m.)

    Thomas Road Baptist Church Worship Leader and Liberty University artist-in-residence Charles Billingsley will lead a vibrant music celebration of the American spirit, featuring many special musical guests, including the award-winning Robbie Hiner & the Old-Time Gospel Hour Quartet.

    * PATRIOTIC MESSAGE (8:30 p.m.)

    Dr. John Hagee, distinguished pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, and nationwide television speaker, will bring a special message on God's blessing on America.

    * THUNDER ON THE MOUNTAIN (9:30 p.m.)

    A spectacular fireworks display will rock Liberty Mountain.

    [ June 25, 2002, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Choosefaith ]
  17. Circuitrider

    Circuitrider <img src=/circuitrider2.JPG>
    Site Supporter

    Aug 22, 2000
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    We might want to consider the source of the information in assessing Dr. Falwell. I am not a big Falwell supporter, but I would want more data than some newspaper's assessment of him. Remember the media hates Jerry Falwell. Jesus warned us to be cautious in our judgment (Judge not...). I'm with the webmaster on this one. ;)
  18. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Folks can "get behind" Webmaster all they want--but I'd think twice before I dump money into this brainstorm. The church has had its share of "Enron's" (aka Tammy Faye and company).

    When I see Webmaster at the front of the investment line . . . !"
  19. Chaplain's Wife

    Chaplain's Wife New Member

    Jun 22, 2002
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    If you read the National Liberty Journal you will get Dr Falwell's real vision. The article although positive, wasn't quite accurate based on the reality of whats going on there in Lynchburg. I am also going to Liberty and my hubby is a Chaplain from his organization. You may not agree with Dr Falwell's political activities or even this new building proposals, but God has used him greatly and we do need to be careful not to rush to judgement on a man of God. That said, I can understand the appeal of a Christian bubble, but it does insulate you from the world, and limit evangelistic opportunities. Lynchburg is still far from reached (they have a lot of churches besides Thomas Road too).
  20. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I, for one, am not knocking Brother Falwell. I'm not criticising him as a man of God. He's a good leader able to extract the potential in all of his followers. But as for the community "venture" I still would not throw caution to the wind--regardless of who was at the helm--Brother Falwell, Bill Gates, "The Donald" Trump, or whoever!