Your avatar has lion on it.
Lion is also symbol of the tribe of Judah. It represents strength, fearlessness, power, determination, and it seems to me that you attached to yourself a wrong type of personality.
I am sure, if Jesus Himself and His disciples would interact on this site, they certainly would describes this site as you did, included many other similar Christian forums like this one.
Jesus and His disciples experience mockery, humiliation, neglect, indifference, hatred, and violence, but they did not give up, and because of their determination we have today Bible, spiritual teachings, and many, many, saved souls.
You wrote " being here is hurting rather than helping me spirtually."
How many people you helped spiritually, any one?
You wrote " I have my own mission given to me by God that I have to work toward and that requires study and contemplation via the Holy Spirit."
Yes, it is good mission that requires study and contemplation, no doubt. Ezra did the same thing.
Ezra 7.10
10.Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord and to do it, to teach the Statues and Ordinances in Israel.
But it seem that study and contemplate are no enough, you also must do it and teach others whatever you learned, as it written in this verse. And how you do it?
By participating in discussions everywhere you can possibly be. At home, on the street, at work, and on the sites like this one, and defend your point of view (like a lion). Give some of your spirituality to others, so they can learn from you just like you learned from others.
Or may be you one of those of "eternal students" who spend their entire life to learn something, jumped from one college to another, finished few educational facilities, but never implemented their knowledge in practice? Then you definitely not a "lion."
Believe me, I had been on much worse sites than this one.
Lion is also symbol of the tribe of Judah. It represents strength, fearlessness, power, determination, and it seems to me that you attached to yourself a wrong type of personality.
I am sure, if Jesus Himself and His disciples would interact on this site, they certainly would describes this site as you did, included many other similar Christian forums like this one.
Jesus and His disciples experience mockery, humiliation, neglect, indifference, hatred, and violence, but they did not give up, and because of their determination we have today Bible, spiritual teachings, and many, many, saved souls.
You wrote " being here is hurting rather than helping me spirtually."
How many people you helped spiritually, any one?
You wrote " I have my own mission given to me by God that I have to work toward and that requires study and contemplation via the Holy Spirit."
Yes, it is good mission that requires study and contemplation, no doubt. Ezra did the same thing.
Ezra 7.10
10.Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the Lord and to do it, to teach the Statues and Ordinances in Israel.
But it seem that study and contemplate are no enough, you also must do it and teach others whatever you learned, as it written in this verse. And how you do it?
By participating in discussions everywhere you can possibly be. At home, on the street, at work, and on the sites like this one, and defend your point of view (like a lion). Give some of your spirituality to others, so they can learn from you just like you learned from others.
Or may be you one of those of "eternal students" who spend their entire life to learn something, jumped from one college to another, finished few educational facilities, but never implemented their knowledge in practice? Then you definitely not a "lion."
Believe me, I had been on much worse sites than this one.