I don't know what the solution is the wage issue is but I do know that not all people who work for min wage are teenagers. I work at a clothing store and have to dress very well (which costs money!), be very professional, and know how to dress women to look beautiful. I have to know about fashion in order to build them a wardrobe. Yet I was started out at min wage. If I please my managers and corporate, I'll get a raise, but not much.
Apparently people think that min wage workers are all teenagers, ignorant, or just lazy. But every time you walk into a retail store, you are being helped by min wage workers. Some are young and using it to earn enough money to party but many are my age and work hard and the public depends on these people. We have become a society of college grads and have forgotten about all the thousands of jobs that have to be done daily to serve our needs that a college grad would never do.
I was a stay at home mom, wife of 33 yrs when my husband decided he didn't want me anymore. I had no choice but to get a low paying job as I have only 1 yr of college and that was 35 yrs ago.
There are many women in my same position. And I am blessed that I don't have children to raise anymore. While I could receive government assistance, I do not. I choose to work and trust the Lord for my needs.
So I get offended at all the remarks at how min wage jobs are only for the high school kids or the lazy. There are thousands of min wage jobs that have nothing to do with fast food!
End of rant. Shoo, I feel better now! :laugh: