I ain't a pastor and I don't know what our church is doing 'special' for that occasion. I think last year it was just a word of recognition followed by a little clapping and yelling and hollering.
And even though 10% or 15% of all the moms' stuff on their day (a rose for each one; a 'panel' of 5 of differing ages discussing motherhood) is probably enough ego ministry, I will offer a few suggestions for message titles:
Pops are Tops
I'm a Fan of My Old Man
Running Around the Block I'm a Chip Off of
As a Lad, I was Mad About the Only Dad I Had
My Old Man and the Sea-- He Told Me There's Lots of Fish There for Me [Sorry, Ernie]
If We Have No Inheritance from our Father, Then We Must be Out of His Will
"Soft and Kind When I was Crying...Tough as Steel When I'd Done Wrong"-- The Only Words That Impress Me From That Sentimental Song
"Be Glad it's Just a Glass Window You Broke and You've Gotta Pay For-- When You're a Man, Breaking a Window of Opportunity Will Cost You a Lot More"
If a Man Gets Wiser as he Gets Older, Why Was the Father Who "Knew Best" Robert Young?
Knowing Now How Much it Costs to Raise a Child, If You Call Him This Afternoon, Have the Respect to Not Call Him Collect