Gold Dragon
Well-Known Member
God said "Be fruitful and multiply." Which god are you taking your cues from?
I’m very thankful you brought this up. If you keep reading that verse, that command has a goal or end point. To “fill the earth”. And how will we know the earth is full? Again if you keep reading the next two verses, it tells you. We are to subdue and rule the earth which sustains us, plants and animals. The earth is full when nature can no longer sustain us.
Rule in the sense of God’s righteous and kingly rule. Would God support a king who exploits, enslaves, destroys his people and land for his personal enjoyment? Is that what ruling means in God’s sight?
No, he tells us what it means a few verses later in Genesis 2:15 with giving humans their work.
And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
I think few people would try to argue this work was only intended for Eden. Our work is to keep the earth so that it can continue to sustain us. Overpopulation (the earth being full) occurs when we continue to exploit and destroy nature against his command for us instead of stewarding it.
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