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Favorite Character in Amer. History!!


New Member
This is really difficult . . . I prefer foreigners, LOL. :D
But I'll go with:

R. W. Emerson
Pernell Roberts
Edwin Hamblin (a jerk I'm descended from
Jesse Stuart
George W. Bush

This rots . . . there are too many to choose from. Can we have a thread for our top 100 people in world history? LOL

Baptist in Richmond

Active Member
Originally posted by Jeff Weaver:
As a member of the extended Madison family, thanks for all the support to Uncle James.
No, the thanks goes to Uncle James.

For those that might be confused on the issue, both John Sevier and Sam Houston were Virginians by birth.
That is funny that you posted this. I went on a tour of the Capitol just before it was closed for major renovations. There is a bust of Sam Houston in the room directly behind the famous statue of George Washington (the one with all of the most famous Virginians). I had been there three times, and didn't realize that it was there.

Hope this post finds you well,



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George Washington - wouldn't have the best country to live in without his and MANY OTHERS' leadership and vision.

Mom & Dad - wouldn't be around if not for them.

Bro. Craig Scott, led me to Christ - wouldn't have gotten saved on 28 Mar 86 without his faithfully preaching God's word.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Over a quiet meal, I'd like to tell John Kerry to his face that I believe he is a traitor and how fitting it was that his own comrades in arms showed him to be "unfit for Command".
Teddy Roosevelt
Thomas Edison
Issac Newton
Abraham Lincoln
Harry Truman

This is one possible list I can put together. However, it would be easy to put many other names here also. I hate leaving off people like Albert Einstein or George Washington, but I still like my five picks. Oh yeah, living here in Texas in July and August it would be easy to add John Carrier(he developed the air conditioner)to the list as well.

Mike McK

New Member
President Reagan (if you have to ask, you wouldn't understand)

John Jay (would we have the Constitution as we know it without him?)

Bull Halsey (the greatest naval strategist in history...his flagship, the U.S.S. New Jersey, is berthed about ten minutes from my house)

Hal Moore (a professor at my alma mater and author and subject of the book/movie, "We Were Soldiers". The Father of Air Cav. Completely revolutionized the way we wage war.)

Blackjack Pershing

Calvin Coolidge (I really didn't know all that much about him - I guess they didn't call him "Silent Cal" for nothing - but as I would hear President Reagan talk so much about him, I became interested. A fascinating character and many economists say that his policies helped to stave off the Depression for several years)

As history reveals more and more, I'm looking forward to adding George W. Bush to the list.


New Member
Will Rogers
Dr.Gene Scott
Harry S. Truman
W.E.B. DuBois
Amelia Earhart
Emiliy Dickinson
Albert Einstien

I know I went over but I had some extra
Kentucky fried chicken extra crispie.


New Member
Robert E. Lee
Stonewall Jackson
William Henry Harrison
John Jay
Marquis de Lafayette

this last one is for aslanspal
Colonel Sanders!


New Member
Originally posted by Dale:
Lets see...

I would like to add another Jackson to the list...Andrew Jackson who was one of the most constitutional presidents that I know anything about (of course I don't have detailed knowlege about all of them) Any man willing to die for the honor of his wife is a mans man in my book. Also, if you want to note women, I would say that most if not all of the great men listed here would'nt have been near the men they were without their wives and mothers.
I just don't understand how anyone can call Andrew Jackson 'constitutional'. He was so 'constitutional' that he ignored Supreme Court rulings and numerous federal treaties regarding the Native Americans, and committed atrocities that are probably on a level with Sherman (Trail of Tears, anyone?), since Sherman seems to be the greatest American war criminal, judging by a lot of the criticism I'm seeing of him in this thread.

And maybe I'm beating a dead horse, but Winston Churchill -was- an American. Congress bestowed honorary citizenship upon him.

Anyway, my favorite Americans:
1. Pres. George Washington
It says a lot when you're so revered by your countrymen that while you were in office even criticising you was looked upon as next to treason by many people. Quite possibly the most beloved American. Ever.

2. Gen. George S. Patton
He out-blitzkrieged the German Army and he said what he thought. Love him or hate him, the Germans feared him.

3. John Marshall
He lacked a formal education, but is quite possibly the finest legal mind to ever grace the bench of the Supreme Court.

4. Alexander Hamilton
He possessed a vision of making the US an industrial and commercial power. He was shrewd, conniving, and self-made. If Aaron Burr (who is possibly a candidate for -worst- American) hadn't killed him, he -might- have become president, even though it's probably unlikely since Jefferson hated him.

5. Benjamin Franklin
I'm kind of surprised he hasn't been mentioned yet. He was an international figure, respected throughout the world, at a time when the US badly needed one. He was one of the first to call for the colonies to band together.