Interesting topic! I have a few on some women, lesser known and some more well known:
How about the lesser known:
The [no-named] wife of Noah, who stood by him, for hundreds of years, believing that God had spoken to him of the destruction of the world, and acting upon her faith, hope and love of God, going through it all [with mockings] with him, losing what seemed like all things, and yet coming out the other side of great tribulation, inheriting all things with him. In believing, and working by that belief, as a living example, were not her children brought through with her?
Others for consideration would be Manoah's wife [KJB Judges 13], or Peter's wife [KJB Matthew 8:14], or even those which are single or virgins, like the little maid that served Naaman's wife [KJB 2 Kings 5:2].
We could even consider that woman above, even the “mother of us all”, New Jerusalem [KJB Galatians 4:26], therefore consider that commandment to “Honour thy father and thy mother ...” again in a new light ...
Yet, let us consider someone, whom the mother of King Lemuel called, “Wisdom”, above even these. Turn to Proverbs 1 and afterward Proverbs 31 [more detail on this if requested].
Three more well known:
Eve, the mother of all living [KJB Genesis 3:20], that is to say, the 'living' would be those of faith who would accept the promise of God, in the Everlasting Gospel [KJB Genesis 3:15, 'seed'], even as she repented of her sin and believed [KJB Genesis 4:1, 'a man from the LORD']. She lost two of her own dear children, and thus came to know somewhat of the heart suffering of God Himself [for all those who will be lost because of sin], the one [Abel] to murder by his brother, the other [Cain], the brother, to selfishness and so having murdered Abel, fled, yet she was still willing to believe God in His promise, of the Redeemer to come through her, and so Seth was born to her.
The beautiful wife of Abraham, Sarah, who repented of her sin of disbelief, and believed, of whom the scripture [KJB Hebrews 11:11] says, “Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.” It was also said of her, that she in true love, reverenced her house-band, calling him “lord” [KJB Ephesians 5:33; 1 Peter 3:5-6], and so much so, that in her early mistaken unbelief of God's promise, loved and esteemed Abraham far and above herself [KJB Philippians 2:3], that she was willing to give him her handmaiden, Hagar, that Abraham could have a child, which she, seemingly, could not bear him. What was the true beauty of the woman, more precious than gold, even the gold of Ophir [KJB Job 28:16]?
There is also the precious Hannah, the wife of Elkanah, the mother of Samuel, whom steadfast in faith, persevering in prayer [KJB 1 Samuel 1:18,20,27] and faithful in her vows and promises to God [who had always and ever been loving and faithful to her], gave her firstfruits, her only and best, of her womb, to God's service [KJB 1 Samuel 1:22-28]. If after we have received our petition from God, will we keep our vows to Him, and changeth not [KJB Psalms 15:4; Matthew 5:17; James 5:12]?