I agree with allowing a woman to teach math. I also agree a woman can correct a brother.
Paul's statement that women are to be silent in the assembly meetings have direct bearing upon the discussion and teaching work of the assembly where men are involved.
It is sad when an assembly has to have a woman lead them in the worship that is teaching and discussions of Scriptural matters.
However, in the educational setting it is not restricted to men only. There is not a problem with a woman teaching Greek or Hebrew. There is no problem with a woman teaching students doctrinal views without regard to indoctrination of a view. It is not a problem with women teaching the history of the church, or how various esteemed believers impacted the church.
What is a problem is in the worship service, when one is to be receiving that which is from God, and to return to Him honor and praise, women are to be silent.
I might add, that this includes any music offering of worship. Paul didn't say women keep silent but can sing, or women keep silent by can bang on the keyboard and drums.
In worship (as at the temple) men were the teachers, leaders, and slayers. Song leaders and singers of the worship service must also be men. That is taking Paul's statement as pure as it can be taken. Women are to have the authority of husband or father over them and learn at their feet. That is Paul's pure statement.
(I bet I get a load of rebuke at this post from all sides.
