"According to the generally accepted interpretation, the brass serpent, which Moses lifted up in the desert, is a prototype of the crucified Jesus Christ. This is not true. One of the reasons for the misinterpretation is the synod translation, which, by distorting the Word of God, leads a person away from the truth. The LORD told Moses to make a FIERY serpent; this feature should already prompt a person to look at this prototype differently. The second reason is a misunderstanding of the prophetic meaning of the verses. To understand this question, it is necessary to consider the context of Scripture, to find out what time the Author of Scripture is talking about? Next, it is necessary to find in the Scriptures the prototypes that are relevant to this event. And only after that it will be possible to draw the right conclusion. I remind you that we are considering only the prophetic meaning of the verses.
According to another generally accepted interpretation, Jesus Christ will be in Jerusalem throughout the 1000 years of peace. This is also incorrect. People, not understanding the Word of God, do not know anything about the second Anointed One. But He is the One who will be King and Priest in Jerusalem in the future 1000 years of peace. As for Jesus Christ, having ascended to the third heaven, He will sit at the right hand of God (1Pet.3:22), “on þe right hand of the Maiestie on high” (Heb.1:3) (KJV1611).
We will investigate some of the types from the books of the Old Testament, and make sure of their prophetic meaning. By showing the sequence of future events, they complement them with details in their own way..."
"Fiery serpent"
According to another generally accepted interpretation, Jesus Christ will be in Jerusalem throughout the 1000 years of peace. This is also incorrect. People, not understanding the Word of God, do not know anything about the second Anointed One. But He is the One who will be King and Priest in Jerusalem in the future 1000 years of peace. As for Jesus Christ, having ascended to the third heaven, He will sit at the right hand of God (1Pet.3:22), “on þe right hand of the Maiestie on high” (Heb.1:3) (KJV1611).
We will investigate some of the types from the books of the Old Testament, and make sure of their prophetic meaning. By showing the sequence of future events, they complement them with details in their own way..."
"Fiery serpent"