How about the amendment that says everyone has the right to be secure "in their person..."? Privacy, that is. The government cannot force anyone to have an abortion or not to have one-- as current law is-- but it can force everyone to purchase a product many do not want to an end many will not use, for religous, philosophical or other reasons?
There is a small error in your statement, from my perspective. It is true that the government, without "due process" cannot force you to do many things. They cannot force you to get an abortion, but they can FORBID you to get one since the fetus deserves the same protections as any other citizen of this country.
Also, the government - at the federal level - cannot force citizens to buy a product. If we are speaking of state governments, that is a different story. For example, the federal government cannot force people to buy car insurance, but states can. It is no different with health insurance. Therein lies the importance of ensuring that the federal government stays out of state government business.
Our U.S. Constitution specifically states that the federal government has no power to do things that are not specifically enumerated to it. The "general welfare clause" has been grossly mishandled and its misuse has been permitted by liberals on the Supreme Court. The tough thing to do now is to reign it in again.