1. The ObamaCare Medical Device Manufacturing Tax
Will be assessed to medical device manufacturers and those costs will be passed on to consumers of such devices. Won't affect me (Lord willing!)
2. The ObamaCare High Medical Bills Tax
You are allowed to deduct medical expenses if they exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. Obama is changing this threshold to 10%. Won't affect me (Lord willing!) and never has. Do you have medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your AGI? If so, this will affect you.
3. The ObamaCare Flexible Spending Account Cap
Won't affect me, but has the potential to affect millions of people. Although, I wouldn't say it will affect them too much. Most people use health savings accounts to put pre-tax dollars into an account up to the amount that is equal to their health insurance plans deductible. They use the pre-tax dollars to pay out-of-pocket expenses until the deductible amount is reached. Most people have deductibles of $5,000 or less. I'd guess that millions of people will have to pay payroll taxes on the amount over $2,500 that they would normally put into an HSA.
These next two items will not hit my wallet, and probably will affect less than 2% of taxpayers.
4. The ObamaCare Surtax on Investment Income
Two components before this will hit your wallet. You must have income from investments. You are married and make more than $250,000; single and make more than $200,000.
5. The ObamaCare Medicare Payroll Tax increase
If you are married and make more than $250,000 or single and make more than $200,000, your Medicare payroll tax rate will go from 1.45% to 2.35%.