Doesn't Alec Baldwin have a show on MSNBC ? :laugh: Wonder how Rachel Madcow is feeling about her cohort.
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And Zaac, sounds like you have some anger.
tell you what, let me come to your house take whatever I want so I can give to others in need - would that be ok?
Obama wants to destroy the economy of this country and hope a Marxist regime rises from the ashes.Those who oppose everything Obama proposes and this has included ideas they had proposed for years.
That sounds just like Obama and the reactionary democrat left cabal he oversees!Salty, I really believe part of the problem is lots of these folk have never known need and have always had their wishes catered to ... starting when they were kids. They never learned how to get along with anyone who did not agree with them totally and this in turn has resulted in a spoiled group who care more about their own individual wished than about the collective good of the population as a whole.
There are others who culturally are stuck in the pre-1964 Brown vs. Board of Education segregated culture. (Did you know the first "separate but equal laws" were passed in California in the 19th Century to prevent Chinese from going to school. Also in California it was illegal for anyone Chinese to go to a hospital in that era.) This is not surprising. There will always be folk who live in the past. There will always be folk to yearn for an imagined future. There will always be folk who are in the here and how. That is simply human nature.
The Tea Party folk are extremists. They care nothing for the good of the country. Their only agenda is their agenda and if they destroy the country in the process of trying to get it adopted they do not care. (See the quote below)
Crabby says he opposes homosexuality but supports the gay pride movement. Much like he says he opposes abortion but supports the law making it legal so that women will not have back alley abortions. Those positions are inconsistent and cannot be reconciled with reason, logic, and Christian values or more importantly the Word of God.
I should have answered the question and then made a comment.
No, I do not support the gay pride movement. Do you?
No, I do not support the angry, white old men extreme Republicans with the image problem of being racist, bigoted white supremacists. Do you?
The fact is that many Americans view the Republican and especially the Tea Party in that light. Do you?
I have been pointing out the hypocrisy of CTB's support for position on abortion for years and have been roundly criticized by some on this forum for doing so!
I have as well. Saying you oppose abortion but then support laws that make it legal and you support the organizations that provide them is not reasonable and sheds doubt on the idea that one oppose abortion.
The only ones who relabel standing for biblical truth as "hatred" are the liberals, or worse, the socialists. Is that you?
Do you defend Alec Baldwin ?
There you go, off topic again. Seems a bad habit with yout.
However, you have yet to say if you support the extreme White supremacist wing of the Tea Party or the White supremacist and racist Battle Flag of Northern Virginia or as others call it 'the Southern Cross'. Most folk think the Stars and Bars is the well known flag, it isn't.
So do you defend the White supremacist who wear the "Southern Cross"?
As Zaac so eloquently put it, why are you showing no love for those whose politics differ from your own?There you go, off topic again. Seems a bad habit with yout.
Guess your memory is faulty again. I never said I supported making abortion legal. I have said I am opposed to abortion. I have also said there is so much precedence supporting Rowe vs. Wade that I do not believe the supreme court will rule it unconstitutional.
Also notice I posted an entry saying I do not support Gay Pride.
However, you have yet to say if you support the extreme White supremacist wing of the Tea Party or the White supremacist and racist Battle Flag of Northern Virginia or as others call it 'the Southern Cross'. Most folk think the Stars and Bars is the well known flag, it isn't.
Here is the true Stars and Bars.
So do you defend the White supremacist who wear the "Southern Cross"?
Guess your memory is faulty again. I never said I supported making abortion legal. I have said I am opposed to abortion. I
But you support homosexuals celebrating their perversion!Also notice I posted an entry saying I do not support Gay Pride.
However, you have yet to say if you support the extreme White supremacist wing of the Tea Party or the White supremacist and racist Battle Flag of Northern Virginia or as others call it 'the Southern Cross'. Most folk think the Stars and Bars is the well known flag, it isn't.
The War of Northern Aggression was not over slavery CTB. That was just an issue used by the Yankees in an attempt to get the draft dodgers to "june up"!So do you defend the White supremacist who wear the "Southern Cross"?
I never said I supported making abortion legal. I have said I am opposed to abortion. I have also said there is so much precedence supporting Rowe vs. Wade that I do not believe the supreme court will rule it unconstitutional.
You have asked me if I wanted to see back alley abortions when I posted something against abortion laws. That said all I needed to know.
And there are no racists in the Tea Party. But your op is racist.
By acknowledging that there will be back alley abortions if abortions are declared unconstitutional and illegal does not mean a person supports abortion.
Be specific. Defend her about what?
Actions speak louder than words.
But you support homosexuals celebrating their perversion!
There are no "white supremacists" in the Tea Party. That is a lie propagated by the reactionary-democrats and their media arm!
The Tea Party movement has extensive links to white supremacist groups, a report published by the Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights today has alleged.
The report lists incidents, individuals and websites it claims demonstrate the links, and also expresses concern that Tea Party meetings are used as recruiting grounds for racist groups. The movement has repeatedly denied it is racist.
The racial bigotry against President Obama began before he was inaugurated and has continued unabated to this day. The hatred against Obama cannot be for his policies because he is a Centrist who has enraged many on the Left for not acquiescing to their demands that he pursue a Progressive agenda. Teabaggers complained from the start of the president’s term in 2009 that he was taxing them too much even though the tax rates were from George W. Bush’s term. The president cut taxes shortly after taking office and the teabags still claimed Obama was overtaxing them. The teabaggers have complained about all of President Obama’s policies regardless that they benefited from his agenda, so the only explanation for their opposition that makes any sense is his race.
The War of Northern Aggression was not over slavery CTB. That was just an issue used by the Yankees in an attempt to get the draft dodgers to "june up"!