In the 60s and 70s, while traveling, I used to get in an organized convoy with my CB. It was quite effective. I guess you guys remember the days of the CB. I never owned a fuzz buster, but did flash my lights when I was younger. As I have aged, I have stopped. Although I can understand the reasoning of slowing people down, I get so tired of reckless drivers on the road.
Here is one example. I am driving down a four lane road. There is a red light a few blocks up ahead. While I am slowing down, another driver will slam on the accelerator, then the brakes, to the point of making the vehicle lunge forward just so they can get ahead of me. Then, when the light turns green, they squeal the tires to take off.
On the opposite extreme, this drives me crazy. Going down a two lane road, I get behind an elderly driver. It is usually and Grand Marques. If the speed limit is 45, they will be going 20. They have their mouths wide open, and look in the rear view mirror every five seconds. Sometimes, their nose is almost stuck to the windshield. Now get this. If they want to turn right, they do not turn on their blinker. They slam on their brakes, execute the right turn, and in the middle of the execution, onto the other street, then turn on the blinker.