Well said!
However, I fear many Christians want to be Christians only when they die and their epitaph is spoken and 'when we all get to heaven.'
But many will be disappointed: There is nothing I nor anyone can do to merit salvation...... it is totally, completely, eternally finished in Jesus Christ. However, if If we truly are saved then what Jesus has done for us will guide the choices we make in this life: When we do have a choice between good and evil, and chose to be ignorant of those choices, or pc, or are persuaded 'there is no hope' then we have denied the power of God.....which is not faith..... and without faith, can anyone see God?
We fool ourselves if we think we can stick God in a corner to use at our convenience, and fail to consider him in all aspects of our Christian walk.
He is LORD of all the kingdoms of our hearts or he is not LORD in us...... there is no betwixt.......... and many will miss heaven because they wanted to avoid hell but never accepted the LORD ship of Jesus Christ which is the signature of believing on him.