Hello gloopey1 and welcome to the Baptist board.
You said.......
“I am a Dispensationalist; however, I don't believe that anyone who rejects Jesus as his Savior will go to Heaven. The "salvation" spoken of in Romans 11 is not individuals from Hell, but the Jews as a whole. There is a difference between individual salvation and national salvation. The Bible is very clear that there is no name given under Heaven whereby men can be saved except the name of Jesus. Jesus said if anyone tried to come some other way, he was the same as a thief or robber.
While Dispensationalism vs. Covenant Theology is an interesting debate, let us not fall into the trap of saying that God has made some other way for people to be saved other than Jesus.”
Very well said. And I agree....with an explanation!
I agree that salvation by Grace, has always been the “only” way to be saved.
And that Salvation is only found in trusting Jesus as your savior.
But it is God that saved us; We don’t save ourselves or keep ourselves saved.
With that said, the Jews in the Old Testament were saved.(By grace.)
(But from almost the very beginning, most of them were disobedient, because of a lack of faith.)
Over and over again, God chastened them and then when they repented He would forgive them.
And many times, God would send prophets to them, to try to bring them to repentance and back to God. Some of them were stoned & some were imprisoned & others were simply killed.
Then 2000 year ago, God sent His Son(with the same purpose), to bring His people back to Him.
(But there was more to it this time!)
Jesus was the chief cornerstone of God’s plan of salvation; But they(most of them), did not believe this.
Now, God knew this was going to happen and He had a plan in place;
But the Jews were still His people by covenant, and as I have already posted in this thread, God is not a man, that He would lie and go back on his promise to the Jews.
Which brings us to Romans 11:, where God wonderfully explains to us what He was going to do.
He is giving the Jews a time-out, and is blinding them as a nation, until the midpoint of the tribulation, where we learn(in Revelation), that the nation of the Jews will then “trust Christ” as there Savior.
Now, I have said earlier that these Jews will be saved and go to Heaven, even though they are not part of the Body of Christ.
This is where people get confused; Thinking that I am talking about another way to get saved and I am not saying that.
One example that I gave above, is that of babies who die.
No baby will go to hell, therefore every baby will go to heaven.
But.....they will not have trusted Christ as their savior!?!?!
Therefore.....there will be several groups of people in heaven. (By the grace of God.)
But “we” will be the “bride of Christ”.
Every individual that fails to trust Christ before the rapture, will miss out on being part of the bride of Christ. But the book of Revelation tells us that not only the Jews but many Gentiles will be saved during the tribulation period.
One more thing:
Anyone that “rejects the Gospel”, before the rapture, WILL NOT BE ABLE, to be saved during the tribulation period........
2 Thessalonians 2:11
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”
I am very glad you posted your challenge to my view.
Typing the above paragraphs, has forced me to “make sure” that I am in line with the Bible.
I am always open, to a Biblical argument, that just might correct me.