My brother and sister-in-law have had all three of their children die due to being born with an incurable genetic disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. This is what I imagine the three would say to their Mom.
God bless every woman who longs for her child or for the child she wished she could have.
Thank you, Mommy, for the long days and even longer nights you spend caring for us, fighting for us, providing for us, loving us.
We’ve seen every tear you’ve cried and every wrinkle that’s come, and we are grateful. We’re grateful for the strong love you have for us, for the ways you choose to protect us, for every prayer you’ve prayed for us, and for all the times you have spoken up for us.
Thank you for taking the hits of all those unwelcomed, disapproving looks from strangers upon yourself so that we wouldn’t be hurt by them. Thank you for trading in all the dreams you once had for a new and better dream.
Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. And so in our spirits, we arise and call you blessed, Mommy. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. You show us Jesus, Mommy, and so we give you the reward you have earned… We give you our hearts, and we give you my words. We love you, Mommy. Happy Mother’s Day!
J, J and J
God bless every woman who longs for her child or for the child she wished she could have.