Why shouldn't he strike out alone? The Republican led Congress has made it clear that they aren't gonna try to work with him.
I mean when Romneycare was pushed through, so many on the right were for it. This President sends through a clone in Obamacare and suddenly it's unconstitutional.
The folks on the right have got issues and more and more everyday it seems less and less like politics but straight old fashioned fear.
FWIW, I believe we as the most prosperous and (almost most) free nation in the world should also be the leaders of the world in offering quality, no cost health care to all our citizens. My problem with the ACA (outside of being a poorly written law) is that it requires all citizens to purchase health insurance. That is unconstitutional imho. When we saw that get added into the law, that's when we knew the insurance companies were in on the scam.
Provide the health insurance from the federal level, absolutely. I think we should definitely provide it for no cost to all below the age of 18 (or until someone graduates from high school.) It can be low cost for adults. This kind of competition will require the health system to change and lower their costs and refine their processes. Studies have shown that about 1/3 of all health care spending exists to legitimatize their own bureaucracy.