Started this this thread so as not to hi-jack another thread.
One of my greatest regrets -is that for having been in Germany for 8 yea rs - I never bothered to learn the language. - at one point, I worked at the family furniture warehouse - we contracted a German moving company to do the work (I was the supervisor) .Only the driver knew English - the other two did not know any English. What a perfect opportunity to learn German.
But for most GI's - we lived on an American base - rarely shop on the local economny, and the Germans we worked with, for the most part all spoke English. -
As far as Americans in the US learning a foreign language - well - I drove from Texas to NY to Ga then the NW - went thur Canada - and finally to Alaska - Drove 8,000 miles - and the entire trip was in English. In Europe - if I drove 8k miles - I would have traveled several countries - all with different languages. ----IMHO - us Americans need to expand our knowledge at least in Foreign languages.
So do you speak a foreign language?
Does your church have services for a foreign language peoples group?
Should we be more pro-active in leaning a foreign language.
Open for discussion
OutstandingFluent in Arabic, French, and English.
Conversational Italian.
I don't belittle Americans for speaking only English. When your nation is the most powerful and one of the most numerous in the world, you don't need to learn other tongues the way an immigrant must.
One of my greatest regrets -is that for having been in Germany for 8 yea rs - I never bothered to learn the language. - at one point, I worked at the family furniture warehouse - we contracted a German moving company to do the work (I was the supervisor) .Only the driver knew English - the other two did not know any English. What a perfect opportunity to learn German.
But for most GI's - we lived on an American base - rarely shop on the local economny, and the Germans we worked with, for the most part all spoke English. -
As far as Americans in the US learning a foreign language - well - I drove from Texas to NY to Ga then the NW - went thur Canada - and finally to Alaska - Drove 8,000 miles - and the entire trip was in English. In Europe - if I drove 8k miles - I would have traveled several countries - all with different languages. ----IMHO - us Americans need to expand our knowledge at least in Foreign languages.
So do you speak a foreign language?
Does your church have services for a foreign language peoples group?
Should we be more pro-active in leaning a foreign language.
Open for discussion