Germany expects 800,000 refugees this year, up from 200,000 last year. More than 4 million more wait to enter Europe from camps in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon.
On September 1 German Labor Minister Andrea Nahles said German tax payers will pay 1.8 billion to 3.3 billion euros ($2 billion to $3.7 billion) to cover the cost of social benefits, language courses and refugee integration into the labor market.
In 2016, the German government expects and additional 240,000 to 460,000 people to be eligible for benefits. The figure is expected to exceed a million by 2019.
On Sunday German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on other European Union countries to accept more refugees.
“If Europe has solidarity and we have also shown solidarity towards others, then we need to show solidarity now,” she said. “Everything must move quickly.”
In June, Merkel criticized Germans who protested the influx of Arab refugees.
No one is protesting the cause of this massive flight from Syria and other mid eastern and north African countries.
Very few are even talking about it. Maybe that's because they know most of it is their own fault for destabilizing and destroying large portions of the mid east and north Africa and enabling radical jihadists to fill the vacuum created by the west's long term regime change policy aka the "war on terror"?